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smoking Wow! It's been a long time.........

since I last visited. I barely got my feet wet and then my world got incredibly crazy. I finally finished construction on my new trailer pit, and I am currently in the process of having 2 of my dry rubs and 2 of my BBQ sauces released for retail. Also I have been practicing for my rejoining of the competition circuit. I took this season off, gathered my head and tweaked a few things, and I am now ready to start doing BBQ competitions again. Anyway, enough about me, how have all of you been? Here are some pics from my latest adventures! Enjoy!


great pit and picture are making me get the smoking bug.Going to be in the 80s today thanks for the fire.

Nice pit.. is that a drain bucket in the front? I like the stacks... What was the drum from?

Yes thats my ash/drain bucket. The drum was an old water tank that was used on a farm, after sending it out to have it sand blasted to remove all of the rust, we turned it into a pit. The stacks are 5" Peterbilt exhaust stacks....:mouthonfire:

Oh and btw thank you all for the kind comments
very nice! i just ate lunch, but i'm hungry again! good luck with going retail, and with the bbq competitions. looks like you are off to a great start. :P
That's awesome!!! I don't do a lot of smoking, but really good BBQ (besides across town at Powdrell's BBQ joint...) is pretty hard to come by. So, to "quench my thirst" for some good BBQ, the wife and I found this down at Wal Mart for $99.


Yeah, I know. It's propane. But, I can put my meat in there and not even open the door for hours on end. Makes for a restful night when doing some brisket!!!
DD - ehh propane or not, looks good. all that really matters is that it makes smoke.

so... bignugg.. when are you hosting the first THP BBQ? :lol:
xgrafcorex said:
DD - ehh propane or not, looks good. all that really matters is that it makes smoke.

so... bignugg.. when are you hosting the first THP BBQ? :lol:

Hey anytime you all want to make the trip out to NoCal, I will fill that bad boy up, just bring your appetite's and some beer!
BigNugg said:
Hey anytime you all want to make the trip out to NoCal, I will fill that bad boy up, just bring your appetite's and some beer!

That's it folks. It's official. You read it here first. Soooooo Grafcore, you up for a serious roadtrip? I've got a big ass station wagon that'll just about carry a short ton of beer!