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Insanity - The Girls

Roughly a month later - girls are getting big. Right to left, kind of from smallest to largest, as of a couple days ago. Unfortunately, between the heat of the last couple days plus the severe thunderstorm that hit today, I may have lost some, but most are still looking good.

Brain strain, rocoto, cayenne, serrano, douglah, and etc.

Douglahs, jalapenos, serranos, habaneros, and a few I managed not to label.

Aji Habanero, Serrano del Sol, Purple Cayenne, Purple Jalapeno, and others.

My "garden" in total. The closest plants include red and yellow rocotos, fataliis, congo trinidad, trinidad perfume, and others.

Aji Habanero:

LTR Cayenne:

Purple Cayenne:

Peach Habanero:
Looking great, G. Better than my plants! Do you have any rocoto pods yet? I can't seem to get pods here no matter what I do.

Roughly a month later - girls are getting big. Right to left, kind of from smallest to largest, as of a couple days ago. Unfortunately, between the heat of the last couple days plus the severe thunderstorm that hit today, I may have lost some, but most are still looking good.
MWC - Thanks! The rocotos just recently started blooming, and I haven't yet seen an actual pod yet, but expect that to change soon.

MM - Thanks!
Thanks everyone!

The pots were from WalMart, and came with bases. Frankly, it was a P.I.T.A. to take off all those bases (48 plants/pots in total), but it was worth it I've got good drainage this way.
geeme- very nice plants. my rocotos have shed all their flowers - been really hot here for the last couple of weeks.
Went out this morning and started moving pots around, to discover that the girls have been more prolific than I realized the other day. I've got TONS of congo trinidads, plus fataliis, trin perfs, red rocotos, rocotillos, and, and, and! No yellow rocotos yet, but lots of blooms.

I pulled all of the purple cayenne pods this morning, and the dehydrator is humming away now. I don't think I'll grow them again, next year. They're fairly small, and very seedy. The heat is in the range I expected it to be in, with the stinging bite of cayenne, so the jury is still out. However, I get more bang from the LTR cayennes - 8 - 10 inches long vs. maybe 2 inches, and a lot less seed for the pod size. Once the LTR cayennes ripen and I've got some dried, I'll do a taste test between the two varieties, and see which retains the better flavor.
Whenever I transplant or pot up, I give the plant a shot of Miracle Grow starter fert - doesn't matter what kind of plant it is, it gets some, then more about a week later. I find this reduces or even seems to eliminate transplant shock - no leaves are typically lost, at any rate. Then I switch to a mix that helps with stem and leaf production. Now, however, they're pretty much just getting Botanicare Cal-Mag. They only get fed every 2nd or 3rd watering, not counting the times it rains. Rain = nitrogen = happy girls.
In the 2nd picture in my previous post, on the bottom step you see a small terracotta pot with a plant in it. That was 8 days ago. At that time I thought I needed to pot up, but thought I could wait a couple more weeks, until the semester was over. Yeah.... right. Repotted this morning - that girl had a MAJOR growth spurt almost overnight, before I repotted. Curious to see what she does now. The info I had on this plant indicated it would only get 18 - 24 inches tall. Uh-huh......


A couple pod pics; unfortunately, I can't remember which one is in the first photo! I think they're trinidad perfumes, but could be something else. I probably should go out there and start looking at the labels again.....


But this, at least, I KNOW are congo trinidad's. Unfortunately the green pods blend too well with the foliage, but this girl is LOADED.

Thanks guys! It's amazing how these these are growing right now. You can see in the pics on 7/23 that I spaced the pots so I would have walking room between them. However, I started widening the spaces yesterday, as I could no longer get between them. It's a good thing they're in pots so I can do that!