I suppose rather than starting a new topic each time I update you all on my progress, it's better to stick to one...
So to begin with, I just have a small update for today:
My largest Cayenne (which I just pruned back in the past couple of weeks) is finally growing it's very first flowers. This is one of six Cayenne's that I originally bought as seedlings. This one has taken off the best. The rest seemed to have struggled to grow.
One of my young Jalapeño (I believe) plants is also starting to flower. This is one that I started from seed and it's showing a good many more flowers than the Cayenne, shown above, even though it is far smaller and younger.
Seeing them start to flower, I decided to add some more Tomato mix (5-7-7) to all my plants to hopefully help them along the way.
I water my plants with a 20-20-20 plant feed every couple of weeks, occasionally I'll spray them down with an epsom salt mix and if the roots start to show I'll add some 3-in-1 (or 4-in-1) soil blend to top them off.
How often ought a person add tomato mix/bone meal/soil to their planters (indoors) to keep them growing and healthy - any suggestions?
So to begin with, I just have a small update for today:
My largest Cayenne (which I just pruned back in the past couple of weeks) is finally growing it's very first flowers. This is one of six Cayenne's that I originally bought as seedlings. This one has taken off the best. The rest seemed to have struggled to grow.

One of my young Jalapeño (I believe) plants is also starting to flower. This is one that I started from seed and it's showing a good many more flowers than the Cayenne, shown above, even though it is far smaller and younger.

Seeing them start to flower, I decided to add some more Tomato mix (5-7-7) to all my plants to hopefully help them along the way.
I water my plants with a 20-20-20 plant feed every couple of weeks, occasionally I'll spray them down with an epsom salt mix and if the roots start to show I'll add some 3-in-1 (or 4-in-1) soil blend to top them off.
How often ought a person add tomato mix/bone meal/soil to their planters (indoors) to keep them growing and healthy - any suggestions?