food My Badass Burrito!

Hey y'all.
I love tacos and tortillas in general and some would argue that the burrito is nothing more than a bigass taco.
I pity the fool that believes that.
The way I see it the good people of Mexico invented it and gave it to us. Muchas gracias.
Today the burrito as we know it has evolved from its humble beginnings.
To call it a taco is just wrong. Its bigger. Its badder. It has a shit-ton(official SoFlo measurement) of stuff in it. Taco's are small and dainty. Ever seen a taco the size of a 3 year old toddler's leg?
And what does that mean for chile heads and THP?
You can put a whole lot more of hot stuff in it or serve it up "wet" and on top.
And who doesn't like a bigass burrito? NOBODY.
Especially peep's that  :high: and you know who you are.
So bring it y'all.
I want to see a BIGASS BURRITO!
Make it  the size of the Alaskan Pipeline.
Load the hell out of it.
And bring the spiceenescxt!
Here's what I got.
I got it goin' on with red potato's in olive oil with garlic, onion, and fresno chile.

Then I got some other sheeit ready.

Then I whooped out a bigass sun dried tomato tortilla and started loading it up. Don't even think of calling it a wrap!

Get some scheeze on there.

Now roll that 'thang up. It should be the size of a house cat or a baby's torso.

You wanna' know what I did next?
I microwaved it!
Then I cut it in half and mouth fisted it!

I was full after eating just half of it.
But the bigass burrito was ALIVE and talking dirty to me.
I HAD to eat it all.
Afterwards, I drank another hosky and went to bed.
I farted fairy dust and moonbeams in my sleep all night long.
Now y'all.
Due to the popularity of the thread I am changing the thread title to My Badass Burrito.
Simply to include ALL burrito's, not just BIGASS.

Essegi dont study to much. just throw things in the shell tuck and roll.  then you have big a$$ burrito
Jeff H said:
Where's the beef? ;)
j/k. Looks good TB.
Admittedly, I know'd I was going to catch hell for posting a bigass veggie burrito as the first post of the thread.
But hey, I wanted a bigass burrito and didna' have any meat in the house.
I'm on a roll now.
Maybe a bigass shrimp burrito tonight.
Way to go Chris!
Come on all you burrito lovah's and posty up!
I wanna' see Jay's bigass fajita burrito.
The man may be an Amish Mafia Capo but he sure as sheeit can cook fajita's like a Texan.
Bring it Jay!
What the hael is goin on here mildred?

These are looking more like Wraps than Burritos. A burrito traditionally has a least rice and beans.

Roll anything in a tortilla and call it a Burrito? I don't think so Hoss.

Not to say I wouldn't eat them like Takeru Kobayashi at customer appreciation day at Nathan's Hot Dog factory.
Scoville DeVille said:
What the hael is goin on here mildred?

These are looking more like Wraps than Burritos. A burrito traditionally has a least rice and beans.

Roll anything in a tortilla and call it a Burrito? I don't think so Hoss.
See that's where you're wrong. 
I'm not talking about the traditional original from back in the day of the caveman Mexican burrito.
This is about the modern 'merican badass "put all yer' junk in the trunk" burrito.
You can put anything on a burrito and it doesn't have to have rice and beans.
For true most folks do but I don't care nuthin' for rice so leave it out.
You wouldn't put rice on your fajita's would you?
: hocks a loogey and spits on the ground :
Some girly man came up with that name because he couldn't pronounce the word "tortilla" with his mouth full.
Its a tortilla and we like to take bigass tortillas and make bigass B-52 bomber killem' all sortem' out later burritos.
Hear that?
The world has gone completely off it's axis.

A burrito is a burrito and that's why it's called a burrito.

A fajita is a fajita and that's why it's called a fajita.

Chicken salad burrito? That's a wrap.

I think dudes be callin' wraps burritos because it sounds more macho. :rofl:

Even according to your wiki-link, it says that even 'merkinised burritos have rice, beans, lettuce, cheese and the like.

I aint tryin to start another Poncho Villa situation but you can't make some canned tuna and miracle whip mixture, splooge it on a tortilla and call it a burrito. It just ain't right.

But this ain't my thread so... One of these days...

Oh HAAAEEELLL No! But by Proxy, Chorizo makes it a Mexican dealio.

Chorizo 'wrap' it is not.

My Magic 8 Ball says "Keep trying until you succeed" :rofl:
Damn you Scovalingus!
For the love of all thats holy will you puuuuhhhhleeesze shut your pie hole and posty up a bigass chorizo and egg brekky burrito 
the size of a small walrus and post pics of it being fisted into said pie hole!
I swear you can't live with these people.
My Mother was Mexican, all her 7 sisters and 1brother are mexican, all my 15 cousins are mexican, my Grandma and Grandpa were both born in Jalisco Mexico, I was adopted, the only toe-head in the bunch. Me and my white married-in uncle would tell Mexican jokes to each other for about 5 minutes. LOL

Wait, what was your question?

Oh yeah... That jerk Chicken and your Hot Dogs (the ultimate meat-wrap) has me all twitter-pated. For true.
texas blues said:
 Ever seen a taco the size of a 3 year old toddler's leg?
texas blues said:
So you put rice and beans on your egg, chorizo, and potato breakfast burrito?
And Mate!  :rofl:
First, yes, I have fried up 14" pizza dough to make a taco the size of a toddler's leg. And I dominated it!
And second, I love chorizo breakfast burritos with eggs, rice, beans, taters, onions, peppers, cheese, sour cream, salsa, hot sauce. Oooooh yeah!
I demand a thread name change.
My bigass burrito WRAP!!
I'm on board with Scovie. You can't just toss a bunch of crap on a tortilla or flatbread and call it a burrito. Most of these are wraps---Which isn't all bad if you can embrace the whole wrap idea. I've made tons of wraps. Heck I had gyros for dinner last night and that was essentially a lamb wrap in fladbread pita, but I wouldn't dare call it a burrito. :D :rofl:
The funny thing is that the differences between mexican-influenced dishes are so minimal they could all really be called Burritos in different stages of construction.  They've all got the same ingredients anyway.
Fajitas = DIY Burritos
Tacos = 50% completed burritos.
Burritos = Burritos