Fresh Trinidad Scorpion Pods - ***OFFER CLOSED***


The first flush of ripe Trinidad Scorpion Peppers will be harvested in about 3-4 weeks...

I am taking orders for the pods at this time to assure you a fresh product...I am expecting around 500-700 lbs on this first harvest so quantities could be limited...orders will be on a first come first serve basis...sauce makers welcome...

no quantities under one pound will be accepted at this time...

offering for US only at this time....

pricing is as pay shipping and use paypal at the time of shipping...

1-5 lbs...................$30/lb

5+ lbs..................$25/lb

***NOTE: these pods are all shapes and sizes and although they are definitely Trinidad Scorpion pods, they are not really for seedstock...I hope everyone understands that***

If you have ordered these pods to be used as seedstock, I would not use them. I will take your name off the list if you want...these are eating/sauce making pods...

Seedstock seeds will be available later...I only have my personal seedstock at this time
done...thank you ...
Ill probably take a poundd. & jw how many plants do you havee to get that many pounds?

got your name down...thanks...

It is hard to tell how many per plant I will get at this point...but there are well over 1700 plants...
ohh & dayumm thats soo muchh you gotta big land then?

if you saw the video of the field, at the end I do a panarama view of the surrounding land...approximately 500 acres and this is just one of my cousins fields...

I'll take a pound.
Fresh scorps just have to try them!!

you got it your name down...
I would like a pound please.

Got it...thanks...

Thanks. I linked to this post from my blog too, good luck with your sales.

thank you very much my friend...all help appreciated...

Thats insane AJ good lord. Well I might as well get a pound from ya as well :hell: I think your going to make a killing.

got it laz..thanks man...

just trying to cover cost right now...gotta sell a lot of pods just to break even...