Silver_Surfer's season starts

That is absolutely incredible SS!
The pepper shots are a wonderful sea of green!
I hope you have a map! cause them flags are fixin to get swallowed up!


You rock. That garden is awesome. Harvesting is going to be a little tricky though.

Any chance you can snap a picture of a Douglah X Scorpion pod? I just wanted to compare it to mine.
Looking incredible SS ...

Quick Question what method (if any) do you use to isolate flowers for purity of seeds/to avoid crosses??
Thanks all!

Josh, I'll post some pics of the Douglah X Scorpion pods tomorrow, as I picked a few of them this evening.

Here's a little update.

Well the cloven hoofed devils finally got me. It rained hard late Thursday afternoon until
dark-thirty and no repellent was applied that evening during the rain and they made the most
of the opportunity. About all they left of the cantaloupe was a few seeds; then they polished
off some beans.

At least they ignored the winter squash, but severely trampled the vines.

They also had a little pepper leaf salad from the end plants, but no major damage.

Lower end shot of the chile plants.

Hey, these PI-441598 are peach colored when ripe. :cool:

If they all grew as openly as these Bonda Ma Jacques it would make for much easier picking.

There are a lot of pods that will be very difficult to reach w/o some major branch breaking.
Oh well, I'll leave those for another day; next season will be different.

I've been picking a few pods here and there for rellenos, poppers and salsa, but I've been
avoiding extended stays out in the heat and harvesting the other veggies has kept me very
busy. This evening around 6:15PM I figured I couldn't put it off any longer and decided to
take the plunge since it had cooled to 92F. Within 30 minutes my shirt didn't have a dry
thread and the sweat was drenching my face, but I gotta get her done. Going for the easy
ones down the first annuum row and grabbing a few pods from easily reached chinense plants
I managed to fill one bag and started on another before it got too dark to see. I got maybe
a quarter of them picked; more fun tomorrow. :lol:
I'll pour these out on a table for a shot in the morning when the light is better.
Haha!! Surfer I love your description of our heat and pickin peppers! :rofl:
Fun stuff man!! :dance:
Great pics!!! What are the red ones 2nd to last pic?? They look killer!! :cool:

Damn deer that sucks for your canteloupe and beans but the peppers are looking out of this world phenominal. I do my picking first this in the morning around sunrise when it is the coolest part of the day and the mosquitos aren't out yet. It is going to get dirty crawling around on your hands and knees picking all those peppers but nothing a good shower can't rinse off. Really amazing garden you have going to be some huge harvest coming your way today Robert. The real question will be the if Jack Daniel bottle is full or empty? :drunk: Awesome garden.
As always, pretty amazing Surfer!!! Still think you need to have a lawn chair hidden in the middle of all that for some peace and quiet. Well done my friend! :cheers:
Haha!! Surfer I love your description of our heat and pickin peppers! :rofl:
Fun stuff man!! :dance:
Great pics!!! What are the red ones 2nd to last pic?? They look killer!! :cool:

Hi Kevin, I think those are 7 Pod Jonah. I'll have to look next trip out.

Nice harvest...should be many more to come!
Thanks, gotta get this one done first. :)

Damn deer that sucks for your canteloupe and beans but the peppers are looking out of this world phenominal. I do my picking first this in the morning around sunrise when it is the coolest part of the day and the mosquitos aren't out yet. It is going to get dirty crawling around on your hands and knees picking all those peppers but nothing a good shower can't rinse off. Really amazing garden you have going to be some huge harvest coming your way today Robert. The real question will be the if Jack Daniel bottle is full or empty? :drunk: Awesome garden.
Howdy Cappy, thanks. I've tried an early morning harvest, but as crowded as the plants are the dew really lingers and they seem more prone to snapping off branch ends, not to mention getting me really wet with cold water since the lows here are in the mid seventies. It's either hot and wet or cold and wet, I haven't decided which is more bearable. :lol:

As always, pretty amazing Surfer!!! Still think you need to have a lawn chair hidden in the middle of all that for some peace and quiet. Well done my friend! :cheers:
Sounds like a good idea, any suggestions on where it might fit. ;)

Here ya go Josh.

It's overcast this morning so it's taking a little longer for the dew to burn off, but I need
to get busy picking the rest today.

The Sahuaros in the lower right make fine rellenos.

That's a "Farmer's Market" type harvest...good job man, didn't grow-em but those Sahuaros look very appetizing the way your prepairing them. Corn meal batter?
Bummer about the deer SS. Come winter time you can get a bit of payback.

Peppers are looking about as good as they possibly could bro.
Looking great Surfer!
Thanks guy, you really have some awesome plants.

That's a "Farmer's Market" type harvest...good job man, didn't grow-em but those Sahuaros look very appetizing the way your prepairing them. Corn meal batter?
I used a whipped egg white, folded in the yolks with some flour on the first ones for the batter (right/upper right) and after it started going flat I switched to cornmeal. Being from the south I prefer the cornmeal. ;)

Good God SS. What a harvest! And those rellenos look just delicious. Now i have to try and make those. Awesome stuff!
Thanks hatter, they are good and it's really hard to stop eating them.

Bummer about the deer SS. Come winter time you can get a bit of payback.

Peppers are looking about as good as they possibly could bro.
Thanks P, I peppered one with my shotgun from the front porch Friday night during a rain, it found out the salad bar was closed. :)