• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

CMPMAN1974's 2011 Growing Log - Started 1/29/11

Well, I finally got motivated and dropped some seeds in my 162 count plug tray this afternoon. Filled up 100 of the spaces. It's always so hard to narrow anything down. I've got the seed tray on a heating mat calibrated to 86 degrees. Sowing so many individual varieties is always one huge chore. I kind of envy people like AJ planting 100 of the same variety.

I sowed a lot of C. chinenses, some wild bird types, and wild praetermissums and a few other wild species. There is nothing very common on this years' list. lol. :) Tons of strange super hot cross attempts from people. At least I've got a solid system now as far as spreadsheets and tracking.

I wish I had acres to grow all I want. I could really get carried away!

I'll start the Annuums and Baccatums in early March. I'm cutting way, way back on Rocotos. I struggled last year to get them to produce (well ripen) on time. I'm not a quitter by any means though. :)

I will be pretty much growing 100% in the ground this season. I don't feel like spending money on soil this year. I built three more 4' x 12' raised beds last Fall to add some growing space. I should be fine.

I'm going to crack it open tomorrow and use in a recipe. I'll let you know my thoughts. I'm sorry to hear you've had issues this year with the plant/garden. I hope things improve soon.


Chris glad the bonnets did well for you. I haven't been posting because my peppers got toasted by the sun when I left town and had a bad baby sitter for them.The temps got up to 117 !! Never seen that kind of heat here before. I started more plants and have them in my beds now. The only plants giving me peppers at the moment are some Thai & Jolly Penos. If the good lords willing I'll get pepper pods showing and start posting again.

Did you like the taste and aroma on those bonnets ?

P. Dreadie



Chris...is that the Infinity of Guiness fame?
Sorry, but the first pod was infested with a pepper maggot and not edible. There was a lot of placental tissue in the walls though. Very much like the Chocolate Trinidad Scorpion but 50% larger or more! Faster growing plant too. I'll report on taste/flavor once I get one I can actually eat.

Thanks Omri and Beaglestorm. Beaglestorm, I need to find something to toss your way for a review. :) I'm just trying to find the right one!!


My cross Armegeddon looks very good to me Chris ,can you tell me how hot it is that pod. :)
So that's the infamous Infinity 7 Pot. Is it in the Guinness book now? Chris is it hollow sounding like the Jonah 7 Pot and as thin skinned? It does have a "quiet" look that makes me think it's going to kick my butt. I got some seeds just recently and will be giving it a shot next year. You think the Beagleman is up to one?
Something tells me that when he makes his selection, he will have to notify the USPS and HazMat Charges may be required. Seriously, I see Chris saying something like "Hey Mike, I found a great chile for you to test. I have tried to grow it for four years in a row with no success and finally was able to get 3 pods this year. I got the seeds from a friend in Trinidad. He told me that these peppers normally only grow above 8000 feet as that is the only place cool enough to keep them from self-combusting. My first three plants burned up by May 31 every year. This year I built an ultrasonic mister that bombarded the plant with a continuous cooling vapor.” LOL

Anything from your garden will be an honor to review Chris. Looking forward to it.
I was thinking, and secretly hoping by the way, the same thing about which pepper Chris sends you Mike. Best of luck to you man.