seed-plant-vendors Hotpeppergirlalabama

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For those who had some reservations, received an excellent order, promptly and with extra goodies. Wanted to try some of those big dried ghost pods and got some moruga seeds. the rest is "icing on the cake". Glad I ordered, sometimes we question people to death. I would rather trust someone first, and CRUCIFY them if they do me wrong. Looking to try the Trinidad Scorpion Powder later.

I will also plant some moruga seeds............make sure they are 100% pure!!!!!!!!!



And as a bonus, one quick picture from the fishing trip this morning 100% pure Rio Grande Bass

Nothing vested, never heard of her before she posted here. I did not care for the lynch mob mentality shown her. She had never made a good or bad transaction here, I pmed her and told her I would post her pictures if she could email them to me.

I posted them, no hidden agenda, sorry to disappoint the conspiracy theorists here.
OK< OK<, now let's hear about your catching that bass! :lol:

Only caught about 30, between 2 of us, this morning. Started out slow. Caught 3 in the 3 pound range, nothing big.

Never realized I had to justify trying to be nice to a new member. I have helped or sent seeds to 10 or so new members, most I never heard from again. One just very lately deleted my conversation without ever telling me he got his seeds.

You are still posting here sir, I will never send you seeds again. A little common courtesy is appreciated and expected. I sent those seeds on my own dime......oh well, live and learn.
ItBurns, Maybe armac can help you with posting the pics? Will they be 100% pure strain fish? At 139.99? Will your family swallow them whole? Gee ItBurns, I hope armac will help you out! He so nice...
Ok.... common turn the volume down.

Armac She may be a good seller but shes come accross badly in her advertising and that is where peoples opinions are formed.

Hotpeppergirlalabama if your reading this, for me personally I wouldn't buy from someone on a forum advertising free seeds only $5.99 postage, why not just say the seeds are $5.99 including postage, you have to remember this is not ebay where people search for the cheapest buy price then go, hold on they are making the money on postage oh well its still cheap. So just from a buyers point of view advertise your produces here as what the cost is no free bs unless its actually free and I would be happy to purchase from you.
I am not a conspiracy theorist but you never explained why you were posting her images originally , defended her without question and then posted the first positive vendor vault post .
So you opened yourself up to questions and I don't apologise for that.
I don't know why you are being so confrontational about this Trippa, it's not like any of us in oz were seriously contemplating buying from them anyway. I know USMC8411 has some sort of grudge against armac from a bakers peppers or pex peppers thread or something and they want to wear it for some reason. But this place is getting pretty hostile to new comers either selling, or new members baring a torch for some quiet older members. It's getting pretty surreal. Joe' thread being crapped on (the positive/inspirational sayings thread for eg), so much negative things here. I bet the class of 2010 will say when people like me joined in 2011 things went downhill LOL. I don't know, just I think 2012 needs a lie down and relax a little bit, let the older members ask questions in a sale thread (even though it's not permitted, at least they'll get away with it and maybe frame them better).

If you look at an early Hotpeppergirlalabama post, armac is questioning them and PMing them to find out more. That's their only relationship. http://thehotpepper....ts/#entry632973
I wish people would be less suspicious, argumentative, and wanting to proselytize here and just chill out more. the ideal is just share help and spread the heat as far as I'm concerned. Oh and search more before starting a new thread. :D
And maybe listen to better music LOL
Like Hotpeppergirlalabama said, this place is becoming a big soap opera.
On this forum there's a significant number of chilli growers, but an even larger number of chilli buyers or chili product buyers and when they mix, I don't think it works out so well. It's better where chilli growers can talk and share without $$$ being there to add into the mix as that's where it's less sociable and more suspicious of newcomers I guess.

Man, too much drama over the past 5 months, relax, take a break everybody.
Thank you Pablo, all the growers are moving away from here, the loudmouths are taking over.

It will be up to the philosophy of this boards caretakers, is this board for people who help new members and grow chilis, or is this board for controversy and accusations? The 45 day, non growing, confrontational members can lead the board into a BRIGHT new future.

No problem for me, just post my pictures elsewhere...........
Yeah I know about elsewhere, I'm already there with 500+ posts.
I guess the main thing I'm trying to say is show a little respect to others. It's the most common thing missing from internet forums. If you are going to be smart, be smart, if you are going to be funny, be funny. If you aren't good at either, at least be respectful. As a long term forums poster for 20 years, I am trying to err on the respectful side these days, although I do have my rough patches (even recently)...
But it goes a long long way.
Lately if I feel I can't, I don't post at all because I have better things to do than engage into an internet debate. edit: I guess this means I'm old :D
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