seed-plant-vendors Hotpeppergirlalabama

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For those who had some reservations, received an excellent order, promptly and with extra goodies. Wanted to try some of those big dried ghost pods and got some moruga seeds. the rest is "icing on the cake". Glad I ordered, sometimes we question people to death. I would rather trust someone first, and CRUCIFY them if they do me wrong. Looking to try the Trinidad Scorpion Powder later.

I will also plant some moruga seeds............make sure they are 100% pure!!!!!!!!!



And as a bonus, one quick picture from the fishing trip this morning 100% pure Rio Grande Bass

Sorry, but its hard to not be suspicious when someone's first post on the forum is a poorly worded sales add with no real info other than where to send money. Personally I'd rather support active members who contribute to the forum, and who can answer any questions without getting upset.
Maybe its just a matter of adjusting to the way these forums work, and what people here have come to expect. Not everyone can be trusted and people are naturally suspicious. Pics and good description would certainly make things easier
I'm just glad people are happy with the product.
if someone does not word things in a way that makes you uncomfortable, do not buy, but do not harass. I took the time to pm her, talk to her, get the pictures. She grows huge plants and I posted those photos. And bought product.

The conduct of others was poor at best and better described as harrassment.

I am done.
hahaha, did someone hack armac's account?? I like the real armac better..ya know, the one that is pretty much confrontational with 9/10 of his posts =) You've spread your fair share of 'going against the grain' armac, so stop putting people on a cross when they do the same thing (or similar) that you do and have done.

Why the references to 'another fourm'?? Is that some kind of 'threat' to go there as a 'punishment' to the people who don't trust or love your girl? Really?? :rolleyes: Now we're getting childish. Have a pepper, enjoy Dad day!! :woohoo:
One just very lately deleted my conversation without ever telling me he got his seeds.

You are still posting here sir, I will never send you seeds again. A little common courtesy is appreciated and expected. I sent those seeds on my own dime......oh well, live and learn.

The limit of 50 email threads is restricting.

I know from my perspective, now that I sell things on the market from time to time, its daunting to keep everything straight, people starting new threads instead of continuing old ones, needing to keep old ones for reference and so forth =|

I find my self copying things to txt files. But thats a poor solution as well.

Any way, I am happy to hear she turned out to be legit. Her multiple stories, and defensive nature were quite off-putting to me.

Maybe there was harassment from some but there was also some good questions that never did get answered. Sellers should at the very least know the name of the chiles they are selling. I personally don't even like to give away seeds unless I've grown them for several years to know something about them and how they grow, and whether they are stable or not


Her approach was off-putting as I mentioned a moment ago IE her handshake was a disconcerting sales pitch. I hope she makes a million dollars off peppers, and pepper products. As a businessman my self, I am perhaps more critical maybe than I ought to be. I try to be respectful... But I did have questions, and those questions stand.
Hi well I am one of the new Guys and am surprised, a UK forum I am a member of has none of this an I think I know why, Money !!!!!! None of us on the UK forum charge for seeds we happily swap or make gifts of these as for other things like pods an powders well in my opinion that should be separated into a shopping side to this and have feedback like ebay, so there would be no need to slate sellers on here, it doesn't make comfortable reading and I think it would be easier on the sellers starting out , just a thought
Ian S
I don't know why you are being so confrontational about this Trippa, it's not like any of us in oz were seriously contemplating buying from them anyway.

I didn't think I was being confrontational merely trying to get the truth out in a public way rather then asking in a PM where only I am privvy to the answer and someone else will ask the same thing anyway.
If I am not buying right now does that mean I have no right to ask a question? Not to mention I have bought seeds from the US before so I am no less legitmate in my questions then someone in Alabama or Osaka am I??

I have only got involved in this because She came on here, went straight to spruking her wares without getting to know anybody, got angry when asked legimate questions about contradicting staments she made (and to this point the questions have never ever been answered) and had Armac posting pictures for her without giving a reason why he was doing it and not her.

Now a simple "I am posting these pictures on her behalf which she has PM'd me because she cannot?? post pictures herself and I am in no way affiliated with her business" disclaimer from Armac would have stopped those questions dead in their tracks as far as I am concerned.

I already know 2 people personally that have been ripped off by e-bay type sellers or simply dodgy internet seed sales for chilli's and I don't want this to be the second coming of the chilli seed ebay scourge, and this is the sort of thing that pointed towards a dodgy seller to me.

If I have been confrontational to a persons methods without good reason I am sorry. However in this instance I believe I acted in good faith and for the greater good of the future of this forum because if we no longer question these sorts of postings then we may as well post an ebay feed in the market place listing all chilli related listings.

Also If Armac happened to be an innocent bystander caught in the crossfire I apologise for that as well it was never my intention (nor do I believe I ever did make this a personal attack) to make this a personal attack on him, but as stated above this whole misunderstanding could have been rectified on his first post of the pictures in my opinion.

Anyway I am glad she seems ligitimate and there is yet another purcahsing option available to the community

I apologized to you privately in our PM conversation. But I have not had the chance to do so publicly (the thread in which I equated you helping her as vouching for her got closed, and the other threads that were in the marketplace were not appropriate to do so). I feel somewhat responsible for others accusing you for vouching/being in cahoots with her, since I was the first to post about it. It was a stupid assumption on my part and I do apologize for it. Now for everyone else who is skeptical of Armac, give it a rest. He was helping out a new member, nothing more. No need to get into conspiracies here.

Having said that, you guys are perfectly justified to be skeptical of the vendor. She does contradict herself quite a bit and her terms are hard to understand (if not intentionally misleading: See the "Free" TSMB seeds thread). However, Armac's and Megahot's transactions seem to be successful. So, she is looking more and more reputable.
Pablo and Armac- love you geezers. I think, I know this lady from E Bay and she's good. I bought a lot of stuff from her (if it is here) on E Bay. However, I'd like to confirm, see a website, and some more pics too. Where are the pics?? I see you nice gear here, where are the other photos?
The wording on the sale has changed,now its 8 different types for 60...I guess that's okay?

This just doesn't sit well with me,even if I'm new!!

Buy seeds and pods in bulk,and then jack the price up,and resell them?
No telling how many free seeds everyone gave her:(

Just wrong!

Only in America!

Yes it is unless it is a different person living at the same address and using the same Paypal account !!

Item location: opelika, AL, United States

At least that $59.99 includes the shipping on that single pod !! Amazing what some people will try to get for a pepper pod but can't really blame them if someone out there is willing to pay it !! ( At least (S)He seems to be selling a legitimate product instead of being like some of the others shipping bells or cayennes and charging for superhots ! - but personally I'd never pay $60 for a single pod and would much rather support on of the many members here selling SFRB boxes of pods for $25 in the marketplace !
The wording on the sale has changed,now its 8 different types for 60...I guess that's okay?

This just doesn't sit well with me,even if I'm new!!

Buy seeds and pods in bulk,and then jack the price up,and resell them?
No telling how many free seeds everyone gave her:(

Just wrong!

Only in America!
no one has gave me any free seed on the hot pepper you think what you like i pay for all my seed not like i do not sale seed. but i can sell more they you can buy.

as i said this is a soap. quote

i have 50 to 70 lbs of seed thats paid for that i can give away. if you do not have any thing good to say say nothing plus peppers i can sell for 2.99 a lb and make money. you can quote that or eat a pepper and shut the hell up. thanks to all and have a great soap day. plus the only nice one on the soap is armac and you are trying to run hem off.
It's pretty sketchy not posting any pics of stuff your trying sell girl. I would never buy from you just for that reason. Plus you are giving little info on boxes of mixed super hots u have for sale right now.
It seems this seller has lost the confidence of this forum. Ha Ha, even when they offered free seeds it was met by responses of "are they pure", and "can you guarantee you'll get seeds?".

Now it's the extreme gang tag teaming. It looks fricken' ridiculous from my seat, no idea what you are trying to prove. If I don't like a vendor, member or whatever I don't comment usually.
I'm only commenting here because it has always been a farce.

For some reason unknown to me and no one has given more than a link and a suggestion that they buy from here cheap, everyone seems out for this person.
If they do the things they are accused of, prove it, as it's not something I would support. But otherwise nit picking and harassment is still something I don't support, no matter who.
I'm kind of ashamed that people who though I never net, I respect anyway, would be so argumentative. Is it just the ebay thing? If so I'd understand. Or is it the m being here thing? If so please say it why and not just harass someone. Don;t say their spelling is bad, say something like we don't agree you buy seeds/peppers here for x and sell them on ebay for y, or whatever, I don't know, like I said they were trolled even when they promised free chillies here....
I mean no offence when I say this Alabamagirl, but did you seriously just say that you have 70lbs of seed? As you are growing and selling superhots. How many seeds are there in 70 lbs anyway? 10 million seeds? It must have taken you a while to process that lot.
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