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TB/SICMAN workin' on skinny...

Hey - I'm in triple layers for 5 months of the year....no way, no how, am I wearing long pants...jeans or otherwise...during the Hot Months!

Now...skinny shorts...that's another matter.
Hence my vast interest in this adorable Skinny Thread! hahahaha

However - lack of neighbors=lack of threads, whenever possible, so.....well, there you have it! :rofl:
since ive moved to florida ive only wore pants a very few times. i remember last christmas eve i mowed the lawn and i was in shorts and had a long sleeve t-shirt on. not trying to rub it in,lol.
I appluad the weightloss/healthy effort... but if you really want to look like one of the Olsen twins, here's what to do:

1. Wake up
2. V8 with beer (Chelada)
3. watch movie for 1hr 30mins... sit as still as possible
4. Grab new beer
5. Start second movie, drink beer... sit as still as possible
6. Pee
7. Repeat 3 - 6 three or four more times.
8. Sleep
9. Repeat steps 1-8 the next day.
10. Repeat 9 for several months.

I lost 30 pounds on this diet.

True Story

[Disclaimer: I do not endorse this diet. It is distructive to bone mass, and possibly mental capacity.]
ive done that diet a dozen times!
for the record, I've eaten salad every day this week. Broccoli, carrots, leafy green shit, lean roasted chicken breast, roasted peppers & zuchinni - yup, salad. Not very exciting.

"tomorrow we dine in hell!"

no, that was today. Tomorrow I'm getting a burger. Or sushi. :woohoo:
since ive moved to florida ive only wore pants a very few times. i remember last christmas eve i mowed the lawn and i was in shorts and had a long sleeve t-shirt on. not trying to rub it in,lol.

I know, I know, you were wearing plaid shorts (teal & white) with white saddle shoes, and your "long sleeve shirt" (also teal),
was tied around your neck
Stop eating that cow food and start eating real fat instead and you don't need to eat as much and don't have to go hungry between meals! I eat breakfast at noon 3 eggs and half a pack of bacon fried in butter and than I eat dinner with at least 75% percent fat and no more than 5% carbs.
Stop eating that cow food and start eating real fat instead and you don't need to eat as much and don't have to go hungry between meals! I eat breakfast at noon 3 eggs and half a pack of bacon fried in butter and than I eat dinner with at least 75% percent fat and no more than 5% carbs.

That is absolutely the worst diet advice I have ever heard.