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  • AlabamaJack
    Hey Brother...long time indeed...haven't grown peppers in several mother had a minor stroke about 5 years ago and dementia has started to set in....she can not be left alone. I am in Texas at home for a couple of months then in Pensacola for a couple of months which makes it improbable for me to grow anything...


    Really want some of those Trinidad Scorpions.
    Saw that Alabama Jack had some. Do you still have any fresh pods for sale? Sure hope so!! Thanks in advance Frank
    Hey ronnie great pics and can`t wait for a few scorps.Damn good job! Rich
    Hey Ronnie i can not seem to pm you from my phone. I want some dried pods from mississippi soil. Have paypal need them dried. Let me know via pm if can do. Thanks mat.e
    Sweet video from June 13th AJ - you have an incredible setup there. I'm wondering how many gallons of hot sauce you're going to make from all those "Brain Strains". I got a lifetime supply of pods from 3 plants in one year. :)
    Hey AJ!! I think you posted your response to PF on the status update thingy :) Hope all is going well :) take care - Mel
    Things been OK man...just getting older and more stiff each passing day and trying to keep up with 'bout chu?
    No ripe pods to burn him awake.
    AJ i feel like that after 9 hours in the garden bones are hurtin! :)
    Phillip Sain Here can you put me Down for 2lbs of the Trinidad Scorpion Peppers ? Please get back with me at
    Hi Ronnie,
    I joined and thanks! I am looking for some But Jolokia and some T. scorpion plants. I bought some seeds and they have not come up at all. Little to late to re-seed so I'm looking to purchase some plants. I live up close to Frisco, and the drive to Fort Worth will be a nice drive to meet up with you in order to purchase some plants would be great if you have any left. T...
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