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  • : sings :
    Ohhhhhh AJ was a great, great man
    A man who lives in the West!
    His peppers, hot an canned
    something...something....uhhh....oh hell, I suck at singing anways

    : walks away :
    hey AJ,
    drop me a PM if you're interested in some of those "delayed burn" jalapeno seeds. Im on my 3rd generation of trying to refine the best and brightest plants.
    Hi AlabamaJack I was just looking at your germination box, whoa thats unreal if I had seen that a while back I would have copied you,I'll post a few pics of mine in a day or two
    hi aj, are those wild tepins from waco {the ones you sent me} are they the same as what you sent out in the parcel?
    im gonna try to get some established at Pancho Villa State park in columbus nm,
    we see if they can hang in the mexican desert...
    the ranger will help them along the way.

    AJ, as I was surveying all of my frost killed plants, I kept thinking how lucky you are to have such a long growing season. Most of my plants died with fresh flowers on them.
    Anyways...just wanted to drop a quick Hi...:)
    hi friend, thanks for you write.i from brazil and my city is barretos, here have the sencond more biggest rodeo fest in the world, i see you from texas,dear friend i new in the pepper world, and search persons for the exchange seed, what you think abaut that?i like so much to exchange some seeds whit you.please write to me if you like to my idea.thanks
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