Recent content by bhut camp

  1. bhut camp

    What is the best tasting Aji Pepper?

    Guaramal,Aji mango round,Aji jobito,aji limon,peppadew.......
  2. bhut camp

    flavor Tastiest pepper?

    I absolutely love the round pheno of aji mango!Sb7j red is another favorite of mine for middle of the road heat.For superhots I still am partial to the chocolate bhutlah sm.
  3. bhut camp

    wanted Looking for a few varieties

    pm sent
  4. bhut camp

    Couple of new sauces

    Very nice man! Both sound legit.
  5. bhut camp

    wanted WTB aleppo pods

    As the title implies, I am looking for a mfrb of fresh aleppo pods.Message me if you can help me out
  6. bhut camp

    wanted Looking for some seeds..

  7. bhut camp

    pickling Pure Evil Dill Pickles

    Let a batch sit for a year and they will be epic!
  8. bhut camp

    pickling Pure Evil Dill Pickles

    Sounds killer minus the alum.Not a fan of cancer:) I have switched to using grape leaves and am quite happy with the crunch it provides
  9. bhut camp

    Must Have Pepper

    Yeah man, I can hook you up with some!