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  • AKR to CLE - Bomba Tacos & Rum is opening a 3rd location this spring, in Beachwood. Can't wait! Swenson's is opening a location not too far from that, in So Euclid. Coolio on the Foodio.
    Swenson's ice cream??
    Swenson's makes ice cream??? Ha! No, this is a local burger joint that's growing. You pull up in your car and park, but not set up like Sonic. Waiter comes out to your car with a menu and takes your order, rain, snow or shine.
    I've not been cooking in a long while, but have been noodling an idea for about a week now and had to get into the kitchen tonight. Mad scientist on the loose again!
    If you are ever in CLE, you MUST go to the scary Chinese restaurant. It's one of the few bright spots of ethnic food.
    A "little" behind here.... finally getting to potting up the rest of the plants. Just 10 to go. Ha! This sporting life has left my chile plants a lot neglected. Decided no plants next year, more traveling.
    That's ok geeme i'm sure if you need chili's you'll get em. And travel travel travel while you can. :)
    Adding the long jump to my list of competition events; started learning just a few weeks ago. Picked up SUP boarding as a non-competitive event (for now!) Post-kid life is so FUN!!!!!!
    Super-happy day: Ladybug larvae all over my plants! Whoot! Thanking Jesus for creating the counterbalance to mites!
    The replacement blade for my Cuisinart FP arrived today. Having no rivets somehow makes the new blade look more menacing than the old blade. How cool is that!
    Yup, my replacement blade leaves ALOT on the bottom of the bowl
    That's sad. It looks so evil....
    I completely forgot I ordered one of those.
    Every year I am newly convinced that eggplants are the drama queens of the plant world. Makes me appreciate growing chiles even more.
    Geeme.... changing the way people cook their corned beef flats,... one or two people at a time.
    Sorry to hear your corned beef has a flat ! pretty sure they make a patch for that geeme. snicker snicker
    Hi G long time no talky. Hope all is well.
    Is anyone else hating digital medical thermometers as much as I do? Three different ones, none agree with each other and I think they are all wrong. Not cheap ones, either. Bah!
    The Hot Pepper
    The Hot Pepper
    Lay it on your back?
    By how much do they disagree?
    Just one of them, for example - it reads, oh, 94.x one time, 100.x another, etc. And that's the brand-new one. It's a scanner type, supposed to be "accurate" from as much as 2 inches away, but is also supposed to be accurate when in direct contact. The instructions say use direct contact when self-measuring, so that's what I've done. Another is an oral thermometer, and it usually reads around 97.x. The other is temporal (touch only) and swings as much as the new scanne...
    Food so bad-looking that, if I had made it, I wouldn't even post it in the crappy-looking food thread. At least its flavor was good!
    If only I could give spicefreak's comment a like - I totally agree.
    Anyways it all look the same when it come out :)
    As an avid fan of Indian food (most looks like baby crap), I say screw the aesthetics. Flavor is what matters.
    I love it when people get it and don't get that "what the..." look on their face when you tell them your tummy's a little unhappy and you made some chicken noodle soup and put a dash of hot pepper powder into it.
    Some days I hate having Raynaud's. Then I remind myself to be thankful it's not anything worse.
    Interesting.... yes. This is the first year I've had blue. Only white then red in the past. I guess we could say it's a very patriotic thing to have??? LOL
    I've never seen blue or white. Just red into purple with bits looking orange ish for me.
    Ah. Mine started with just white. Then it was white then turning red before going to normal. Now it's white turning red then, as the blue comes in and mixes with the red, purple to normal. And it used to be just down to the first knuckle, now it's the entirety of each finger. At least it only feels oddly numb, rather than truly hurting.
    Alexa is pretty disappointing today. She couldn't find the answer to: If 2 birds are sitting in a tree and one flies off, how many are left? This is a super computer??? LOL
    Yeah, I messed Alexa up at a friends house. I said"Alexa, get me a beer"
    Haha capcom - I said to my daughter earlier that a third grader could answer that question AND get me a fresh glass of tea. Tea... beer.... third grader can do it all!!!!

    LOL Musky!
    Getting accupunctured this week for the first time. I am not sure if I am more curious or more nervous. Maybe both in equal parts.
    I've had it done many times, for carpal tunnel and back issues. Sometimes it worssometimes not as much. You have to remember not to move.....
    Thanks for the tip! Me.... not moving.... I am sure it can be done! LOL
    I am feeling like a scam victim. Opened a vacuum-packed piece of beef that said it was 'x' but in looking at it I'm pretty sure I got 'y'. Well, it's dinner anyway.
    LOL! Nah, the meat was partially visible and what I could see looked as expected. The interesting thing is that it actually was what it claimed to be, just cut in an unexpected way. And I thought there was only one piece in the package, but there were two.
    What cut of beef was is supposed to be?
    Petite Filet. I now think it actually was Petite Filet, after all, but I thought I was getting a whole one. Instead, it was two of the same ends from different filets in the package. At least they were the large ends. But still zero fat yet buttery texture and the right appearance for the given muscle.
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