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  • It is rather satisfying when you make something you're not sure people will eat then you see them go back for seconds and thirds.
    Skillz or not, you know the average Midwesterner shies away from heat. So to see them going back and being willing to sweat it out was pretty awesome!
    You are building bridges geeme closing gaps between the heat seekers and all the rest. teach geeme teach :)
    Even when they don't go back for more, seeing the trepidation turn to genuine enjoyment is a glorious thing.
    Not feeling well so wanted comfort food like mom used to make. Only after an hour I realized I was not making it the same way. Um... Err.... It's definitely the best way I've found so far to ruin a perfectly good chuck roast. Yes, ruined. I'll just save y'all from having to try some.
    Exactly, Scovie!

    And thanks to all for the well-wishes. I really hope this is gone tomorrow.
    Damn i'm going to ruin some BBQ this Weekend !
    Go for it, OS!
    It's tough to cook dinner when you have other, more fun stuff, to cook. Sometimes I think it would be nice if we didn't have to eat, but still could if we want to.
    Green (yellow) plantains a'cookin!
    Nope - boiled. For traditional empanada dough.

    I have a great deal of respect for whoever came up with using these things to make a dough, and for those who followed the same path for hundreds of years. And I thank God for letting me live in the age of food processors!
    Grass Snake
    Grass Snake
    Yup, Ive helped Mom prep plantain using a cheese grater. Green Bananas are hard work.
    So far my use of plaintains in cooking has been limited to roasting whole, ripe ones, in their skins and wrapped in foil - they're easy and yummy. This was definitely NOT in the same category at all. But tomorrow will tell whether it was worth it or not.
    Spicy pumpkin waffles for breakfast. Now bacon, sprinkled with toasted sugar, chipotle chile powder and ginger before being cooked, is ready for the empanadas I'll be making later today. If the kitchen smelled like this every day, I'm sure I'd get fat.
    Seniorita Hybrid Jalapenos? Meh. I won't grow them again. But Cascabels? Yum!
    Let's be honest - how much serious thought have you given to why super-heros always wear spandex? Even when they're in Iron Man-type armor, they never step into it in Dockers.
    And is there an unspoken "rule" between super-heros and villains - a mandatory 10-second time-out for adjustments when one's leotard rides up into the nether regions?
    Pepper Princess
    Pepper Princess
    That's why they all have nether regions of steel!
    I should take another extended road trip with no particular destination in mind. Admittedly, doing so will be bittersweet.
    Hang in there my friend lots of good love vibes coming your way. Take that trip to reflect on the good times.
    Thanks OS - a good reminder!
    Of the eggplants I've grown so far, tsakoniki is my hands-down fav. Creamy texture, excellent flavor; what more could you want from an eggplant???
    Jeff H
    Jeff H
    Rymerpt, I hope there is no eggplant in your quiche recipe. That sounds like an injustice to the bacon, eggs and other crap in there.
    No, but I love using eggs to make quiche. Sorry hungry
    I am more convinced each year that plants are a lot like people. I moved the drama queens to a place by themselves yesterday. Checked them today and found they are FINALLY happy. It's about time!
    Heh what should I do if I put my plants in the ground?
    The lifeguards are happy, at least. I've been plying them with my experimental baking results, so they've been getting my various attempts at brownies lately.
    When you see your vet or animal ER place, ask them what they do when it's time for your "baby" to pass on. Not how it's done, but what they send to you, if anything, afterwards. Then ask again every few years. That way you'll know in advance and can tell them "don't send that thing to me" when the time comes. Had to put our kitty of 19 years down on Friday and today picked up her ashes and "stuff". Some of it is just so whacked, but I guess some people...
    The Hot Pepper
    The Hot Pepper
    Sorry to hear geeme.
    Sorry for your loss g. I think vets try to be as comforting as possible. When our 15 yr old husky passed on the vet sent us an imprint of her paw print, the rainbow bridge poem, and her ashes. They notified her groomer for us and petsmart so that they wouldn't keep sending mailers for her. I thought it was very thoughtful. Again sorry for your loss and big hugs.
    sorry for your loss
    After pie-holing three or four pieces, my son picked up the entire pan and said "this is mine!" So it didn't turn out like I had hoped, but I can't say it was a failure, either. It's nice when things work out that way.
    Friend ran my small CI pan through the self-cleaning cycle to remove the seasoning and rust but failed to tell me and didn't oil it. Stopped by yesterday and asked about it and took it home. A fine sheen of rust was over the whole thing, but I didn't have time to deal with it. Woke up this morning to find my son had scoured it with steel wool overnight and also oiled it. WOW!
    Yeah, Scovie, I know. The oil was just to hold it at bay until we started the next step - soaking in vinegar to remove the rust that wasn't easily visible. It's been in the vinegar 3 hours so far and wow again. It's amazing how much rust can hide in the pores. We've scrubbed the pan a few times already, and it's looking that gun-metal grey that indicates most of the rust is really gone.
    In the meantime, I'm using the oven for other, sweeter ventures. YUMMMMMMM!
    WD-40? LOLOLOL
    Just returned from a walk with a couple friends. A five-mile walk, that is, with CROWDS of people up and down the streets, all playing Pokemon. Bars are loving it. Ice cream shop was losing out, though. Peeps gotta learn to stay open late, FAST!
    I do not get it...

    Hey! you kids get off my lawn!
    Convention? What convention????? LOL

    Jeff, you wanna go downtown and play those kind o' games, you just go right ahead. The Pokemon crowd and honeybadger don't care!
    Jeff H
    Jeff H
    I ain't going anyplace near Downtown Cleveland for any reason I can think of and Honeybadger is soooo 2011, but still funny.
    West Virginia just can't seem to get a break. Thunderstorms forecasted almost the entire week coming up. Flash flood watch in effect. Yep, right where I'm supposed to go next week, unless the event is cancelled or delayed. My heart goes out to those who are adversely impacted. :(
    In the slow-cooker: Chipotle chile puree, sea salt, thyme, allspice, cilantro, lemongrass, ginger, El Chavo spicy hard apple cider, and a small, boneless pork shoulder.
    Damn that sounds good!
    Thanks guys!

    The chicken's in the crock pot now. Mmmmm!
    The chicken was great this way, too. We ate both the pork and the chicken just as-is, but I can see these in tacos or as part of something else, too.
    My neighbor thinks I am a deer whisperer now, as neither I nor the deer freak out by being less than 10 ft. away from each other. I am just glad she observes from inside her house, given the wild-eyed look she had when she told me she was watching. Wow.
    f**ken Deer. Rats with hooves I tell ya. There is 4 of them 20 feet from me as I type this on my deck. I could punch them in the face but I prefer my BB Gun. As soon as I am done typing, One BB in one of their asses will shoo them all away. For about an hour.
    No hunting allowed in my neighborhood, Scovie, not even with a bow. The houses are too close together. Frankly, I'm surprised there are deer in the 'burb at all, considering that. Generally, it's house; driveway; then just enough grass to make mowing it a PITA, then start over. The driveways are only wide enough for one car and they are adjacent to the houses (detached garages in the back.) Honestly, there's a water spigot on that wall and I just know one day I'm going to...
    Alchymystic, I used to have a neighbor woman who would go out in her yard twice a day with a bag of stale bread. She'd break it up and toss it to the animals that gathered as soon as they saw her. She wasn't careful and often hit them with the bread, but they didn't budge. Nor would they budge until she left the yard or got too close for their comfort. But I could stay out there as close as she had been and they'd go ahead and start eating. Makes me wonder sometimes...
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