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  • Top of the Strat? OH HELL NO!! I am deathly afraid of heights dude. I can't even get in that particular elevator. I do all my 'bidness on the ground.
    I go to the Strat all the time but only to the loading dock. Never eaten there. Which joint at the Strat?
    Consider it done! Maybe more than one bottle! We leave next Wednesday....I think...no Thursday.
    · Can you spare just $2? Ranji is a 9yr old boy living in Namibia. He has only 1 leg, 1 arm and 1 eye. Each day he has to ride 7 miles to school along a narrow road on a rusty bike with bent wheels, no brakes and only 1 pedal. If you send us just $2, we will send you the video – its fucking hilarious.
    THAT, sir, sounds like a damn good plan!

    All you need is a big loaf of crusty bread and a quart of deli mustard! :woohoo:
    I have made some sauce however that is for my housemate. Only three Bonda's into 750mls of sauce, it's still got sting though. Looks shite but taste alright, it is still cooling.

    The next sauce will be Naga/Barrackpore/Scorpion. Around 40 pods per 750ml and these are not small pods for the most part. I will take pics but won't be able to put them up until i get a new cable for my phone :(
    Hey dude. Whats up? Thought I'd drop you a line. Do you like Pink Lemonade? If so, you have gotta try lemonade margaritas. The are like a sleeper drink, I mean you don't really taste them going down, but BAM! after a couple you get that smack. :lol: Just mix 2 parts Tequila to 1 part Triple Sec add pink lemonade to taste. WoW! Anyways, thanks for turning me onto these margaritas. :lol:
    hey how's it going? I'm launching our set of dry rubs in about a week, the blends and labels are complete, we just need to schedule a packaging time and we will be off...I thought i'd give you first choice on one to review, the choice is between, jerk, cajun and bbq. Let me know and i'll mail one out to you when they are packaged. The lemon Ice will be available April 7th. How is the review part of the site coming along anyway, anyword? I'll talk to you soon!
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