Recent content by OoNickoC

  1. OoNickoC

    Round Two with DWC

    Right on. Its totally doable as there is already an obvious pheno to work with. Im thinking I can get 3 generations in by the end of the year...fingers crossed.       Almost everything off amazon except the tub lol. Man that 30 gal Rez is BULLET PROOF, I never added nutes of had to adjust ph. I...
  2. OoNickoC

    Round Two with DWC

    UPDATE!!! SUCCESS!!! Woot! So the system has worked waaaaay beyond my expectations. I let the tub go just to see what would happen, once I had a viable pod for seeds. I have not added any nutrients other than the initial fill and now have dozens of ripe pods and dozens more ripening. The...
  3. OoNickoC

    Round Two with DWC

    The tub is 30 gallons btw, for size reference.
  4. OoNickoC

    Round Two with DWC

  5. OoNickoC

    Round Two with DWC

    Haha yeah mine are headed that way! Scroll up to the Nov. 10th post and here we are today.....ridiculous lol.....and that light is only drawing 68 watts according to my meter. Here they are this morning....dozens if not hundreds of buds and already some flowers.
  6. OoNickoC

    Round Two with DWC

      Right on, I was suprised. They seemed to be doing well...then they just exploded. Going to be hundreds of pods soon! Orange Thai SSE (isolated, I will be giving the reaper its own bucket before it buds)  will be avilable again. I found one person who said they sere growing it but its been out...
  7. OoNickoC

    Round Two with DWC

    UPDATE   Out of 7 srpouts only two made it past true leafs. I am please to announce that I got the two that made it out of the danger zone. Cannot wait to do some stir fry going with these. I topped off the rez a bit to much and they got droopy, almost back to form. Thanks to the size of the rez...
  8. OoNickoC

    attachment orientation

    Is there a setting to display images in the orientation in which they were uploaded? Everything I uploaded is rotated 90* to the left. Thanks for your time.
  9. OoNickoC

    Round Two with DWC

    So I got my old racks out of the tent and the tub in, hung my light and am dry running for temps.....aaaaaan that light is friggin HOT.....I contacted the manufacture and they basically said they run bueno for an LED (only 86 true watts mind you)   Light fixture gets to 155*f and air...
  10. OoNickoC

    Round Two with DWC

    Awesome! I was debating on the Kratky but I had dang near everything for the DWC, If i get some outdoor space a hug kraty is going down!   Thanks!
  11. OoNickoC

    wanted WTB Orange Thai SSE

    I found some viable seeds from a few years back in my stash! I appreciate the responses
  12. OoNickoC

    Round Two with DWC

    Whats up yall!     Time to get some peppers going again!  I gave DWC a shot two years ago and it went fantastic.....until I got some kind of root bugs and thrips that I could not kill off (I tried three different root dips, sns, and even a friggin bug bomb, spent over $120 on treatments before I...
  13. OoNickoC

    seeds-germination Pepper Seed Germination

  14. OoNickoC

    wanted WTB Orange Thai SSE

      Bro that would be awesome, let me know when and I can paypal you. I just moved into a apartment that is on full solar, got two new grow tents and am setting up a DWC system soon!
  15. OoNickoC

    health Jalapeno dying.

    The Jalapenos I grew in Florida did terrible, same in Hawaii in comparison to Nor Cal. I think it was the constant humidity.  