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  • I wonder how high the rep scale goes. I can vote up one of your posts everyday to see what happens! Eating dinner to fuel my brain with an assist from coffee!
    I can't vote for myself. I want a rep I have to live down! Just changed my profile to something respectable!
    Less than 24 hours ago my rep. was 2 and is now 11. Did I become helpful suddenly? That'll stop! It's a mockery of the rating system.
    Hey, I thought while the weather is good you weren't going to be here so much. Don't tell me you have... SNOW!!!!!!!!!!!!
    You mentioned somewhere that it was low and now it keeps shooting up. I wonder what thp rates or perhaps admin and mods are excempt. I need to find the corkscrew and get my drink on while cooking dinner. Add a camera and I can finally legit post in TDC thread!
    What is this world coming to? First TB is all about weight watchers and is trying to convert the DC thread and then....then, you start jabbering like PMD. Dunking oreos in beer. WTF? LOL I'm LMAO here.
    Hey Paul, I am shipping out the Albo'gators today and just wanted you to resend me your address. I got your number and taster all ready to go. I will have to send you the "retro" bottles another time seperately because we are only shipping the reserve and taster alone for safe handling...don't want to cluter up the boxes, but I did hold on to the old bottles for you.
    You are missing some good foodbauchery in the DC thread. Hope you're enjoying your daughters visit.
    False alarm...I just don't have it in me after spending the whole day in Amish country. I'm exhausted, but will be here tomorrow with a vengeance.
    I dunno....kind of feel like I've been kicked by a mule. Maybe it's cause I'm not use to see the morning sun. LOL
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