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  • Happy First Day of Summer 2012! Today the plants will see the sun for longer than any other day in the year! Enjoy the chlorophyl production!
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    PIC 1
    Clear skies here, I'll be sitting outside through twilight. The longest day has always been a special one.Summers here!
    great weather for watching sea world fireworks from the livingroom
    I wish I had a summer! Its gonna be in the 60's and rainy for the next 4 days!! :( Temps have yet to hit 80 lol
    Just crossed the Ga state line. Almost back to my haven!
    safe driving arrive safe!
    Sounds like the start of a great Country song.
    Drive safe!
    Home is where the peppers are!
    Gardens on auto pilot. Taking a break from THP. Got work to do elsewhere. Hope everyones pepper dreams come true. Ill update next month maybe when Im drowning in pods.
    Ahh, nothing like coffee and Fatalii in the morning to get you going. First ripe pods of the season!
    I'll take a pick when I get back from Atlanta. It was just the crazy rain and the stupid oil spray. They're coming back slowly.
    I just had a great Fatalii experience - made drunken noodles two nights ago (old school way) and used several fataliis. It really made the dish, much more so than using thai peppers which I'm not growing now. One of my favorite eating hot peppers for sure. Congrats on your first pods of the season!!
    Thanks Farmer Guy! Love Fatalii! My favorite super hot! Yes, super hot! At least mine are.
    Thank you for the approval, Pepper-Guru. I love reading your Glogs and the information you give is superb! May your plants grow strong and bountiful!
    Thank you! Glad You enjoy them. Just trying to share my experiences with others out there that love nature and hot chili's! :)
    God has smiled on the season thus far in the SE! Sunny and rainy everday almost! PERFECT GARDEN WEATHER FOR SEEDLINGS!
    Hey Guru! Hope your season is going well. Haven't seen you sharing any plant wisdom lately. Best to you and your family!
    Just awaking from my winter slumber man :-) Leaving for Thailand at the end of the month for a couple weeks. Ive got some brain strains and red arribibis germed and under the mh. I guess Mrs Guru will be taking care of germing while im gone. I have some cool plans this year and will be working my butt off when I get back. I actually hopped on to start a see you in the glogs! Good to hear from you dude
    You too my friend! Hope your trip is going well! Thailand has some amazing architecture and art.
    G'day cobber how ya goin? Got any chilli trees that need pruning with a cherry picker? Lol i wouldn't put it past you!
    Yeah, I've been suggesting it to many people in my past threads. It has saved me some years. I even mentioned it that ozz thread, there was a chick having fungus issues. If you can find some good organic sources of sulphur and pyrethrins, its worth its weight in gold. Only down-side is the temporary smell. But heck, Im used to weird smells in the garden, I use some wild stuff! :)
    Whatup dude! So, That stuff might as well be called miracle in a bottle. I've never used anything that worked that well, ever. First application.. GONE. I'm going to be posting a topic on it soon to share the love. Thankyou thankyou! :D
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