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  • Yep, its a courgette. I can't really describe an eggplant, i just know they're awesome baked or roasted. I wish i was in Kent right now....
    Whatcha trying to grow? My friend Jamie planted some zucchini last summer and the stuff's getting out of control. He's gotten something like 40 or 50 pounds of them so far(from ONE plant!!) and it just keeps going and going. Apparently it's like a weed of sorts.
    I have, seriously, about a good metric TON of asparagus at home. I eat it every day. And i love brussel sprouts. Isn't swede a type of turnip?
    And plain cabbage is awesome too. I love the stuff. My mom makes all these crazy Ukrainian concoctions with cabbage.
    Sauerkraut is just cabbage and salt. Well, thats how its made, anyways. The liquid that comes with the stuff is the water thats leeched out of the cabbage by the salt.
    I have to disassemble it to fit it in the car. And that can be a royal pain in the keister. I just changed my avatar about 15 minutes ago. I'll probably do it again. You know me, fickle as hell sometimes. Or maybe capricious would be better....
    Yeah, and another thing is i can't decide is if i should bring my bike up there with me to cleveland. I heard there's some nice riding to be had up there.
    Theres nothing wrong with it at all. I guess people get a certain impression of me and the fact i like latin jazz and salsa music must greatly go against it. And yeah, Cleveland has to do with the party at Iggy's. And in case you're wondering, the picture is of a character from a cartoon here called the Squidbillies. Its a pic of granny.
    Well, i'm attempting to gather parts for the mustang i bought so i can paint the thing, but of course i can't get everything at once or i'll be completely broke. I'm also attempting to try to save up to get to cleveland in a couple of months, but i can't decide if i should try to drive the car up there or not. Oh, and apparently people here have a hard time dealing with the fact i happen to like a lot of aspects of Latin culture. I guess people can't seem to see me getting into the music and such.
    I rarely, if ever, bled in school. I did puke once or twice, but bleed, no. Not even in the meanest fights i was in. My pop said it was because "Doellings are not pussies and we do not bleed".
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