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  • It occasionally does to me, but only because i've been trying to quit so i go 4 or 5 days without having one, then when i fall off the wagon i get a headache from it.
    Oh, well fuck it then. Take some aspirin i guess. Drinking lots of water helps out tremendously also, dear
    Yeah i think thats what you fine folks called them. It's not good for the liver if you take a boatload of them. I've had plenty of them after booze but before bed. I holds off the hangover a good bit. Well, at least the migraine headache part of it.
    Occasionally if it's really hot out i'll wear whats known as a 'wife-beater', basically a sleeveless undershirt, but for the most part it's t-shirts, Hawaiian shirts, and Cuban/Guyaberra shirts.
    I think the thing's hysterical, just if i got one i'd never wear it. It just doesn't get cold enough here to warrant one of those. Hmmm....maybe i can do something about the t-shirt thingy.....And yes i do believe the ladies shirt was indeed made with YOU in mind
    Tylenol is Acetaminophen. Aspirin works too. The hard part is remembering when you're drinkingheavily to take a couple just before you pass out for the evening.
    I'm sorry to hear that babe...i was shakin a good one myself this morning. I forgot my usual ritual of taking some tylenol after a good bit o' drinking.
    Its usually optional on this side of the pond, but that certainly doesnt make it wrong.
    yeah, it's calmed down a bit. It was straight jacket hour at lunchtime though. I dont like anchovies straight, but they must be used to make a correct caesar dressing though.
    You probably could. I'm much more tolerant of lobster than prawns. I actually don't mind lobster i just don't go ape shit over it either. Prawns i don't like at all. Tried 'em and was not thrilled at all.
    yeah, around here my meal chioces are about 7/10s salad. With the other 3 being mostly seafood and chicken.
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