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  • I told you about these before. I occasionally get a forwarded reply from your phone, and its just a little box with a "@" next too it. The first time it happened i kept sending you a bunch of question marks in reply and you said you never sent anything to me.
    Dammit. What the hell?!? I even got 2 of those weird forwarded replies from your phone a little later on also.
    Its cozy and dark. It makes you want to drink and be cheerful. And they have some of the best pizza around here as well. And happy V-day to you too(did you get my message?).
    yep, i do pints all the time here. I'm a big fan of European beers and some U.S. microbrews. Besides, one of my hangouts here is a British pub named the Coach and Horses. And pretty much all they serve are pints. Have a wonderful weekend, doll. Cheers!
    That link no worky for me, dear. No biggie, as long as i can get myself a nice pint or three there i'm fine.
    Oh. So you've never gone in there? Tell you what. If i ever get over there to visit, guess where i'll be when you're not around?
    I never paid attention to the spelling of her name, dear. Just yours. And i specified a vase also. And yes, they came from a company based in London. Wait, why am i telling you all this?
    Nope. Never have in my life. Thats why i remembered. It was remarkable to me. Oh, i just got an e-mail from the flower company saying i probably just made your day and they hope you said thank you to me:lol:.
    I figured if would be nicer than just "Kate". I hope you didnt mind though. And yes, i remembered that you spelled it like that. When you first told me i remarked that i had never met anyone with that name who spelled it like that.
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