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  • They said between 8 am and 6 pm and i was just hoping you were home when they showed up, thats all. I specified friday because i knew that was one of your days off.
    I thought you'd like something bright and cheery so thats what i picked out. I'm just glad the delivery deal worked out. I was worried about the whole "leave it on the front porch" thingy.
    I'm glad you like them, hon. Just knowing they made you smile makes it worth it. I wanted to get you something and surprise you at the same time so i figured that'd be a good way to start. And i almost cant believe that no one ever has sent you flowers. Thats absolutely crazy.
    I know. Hopefully when i get on here you'll have received my gift. Have a wonderful evening, doll.
    I felt like i had to. Besides, if it works out then i can do it in the future too if i want.
    Because i told them to leave it on the front porch if possible in case you're not home.
    So what if someone was trying to deliver something to your address do if no one's home? Leave it on a step or something?
    No, it wasn't. I understood exactly what you meant. I just decided to bust your balls about it, thats all. I'm really not sure which direction they go in, to be perfectly honest. I do know for a fact that they're not hardcore fundamentalists though(thank God for that).
    Ummmm, wait, hang on a sec....she told me once but i forgot.....it's ummm, errr...oh yeah, now i remember. They believe in God!! :lol::lol::lol:
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