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  • I'm glad i could be of help, dearest. Anytime you need anything just let me know. And your message sunday was fine. I just felt bad i couldn't be there to take care of you, thats all.
    You mean the liquid stuff? I believe it's basically just methanol....but just don't light up a smoke when using it, however.
    Actually it'd be really nice just to sit by the window with you and have some tea.
    But you still have to go outside to do it. Wouldn't it be nice to just sit by the window with some tea and start it from there?
    Well, your card is offically in the hands of the US Postal Service(God bless it's soul). You ought to look into a remote start setup for your car. Its easier than having to go outside to start the thing up when it's like a hundred below.
    It's 1204 37th Avenue west
    Bradenton, FL 34205

    Sorry about that doll. PLease forgive me.
    oh, shit. I just realized that when i moved i don't think i gave you the new address.
    Nope. Never, ever go toe to toe with someone using anything alcoholic thats stronger than a beer. I've had 151 since then but very, very little.
    I honestly felt like i was dying....migraines from hell, my heart was pounding, cold sweats and hot flashes non-stop, i couldn't see straight, my breathing was very labored, and i was so dizzy and disoriented i was constantly puking. Oh, and i got a nasty bout of diarrhea as well. Fun times indeed!
    It was after i(and a good friend of mine) drank ourselves to the brink of alcohol poisoning in Atlanta. Those next few days were really, really bad. I almost called an ambulance at once or twice. It lasted for about 3 solid days. Thats what happens when you drink a 1 litre bottle of 151 in about 30 or so minutes....and chase each shot with some cheap beer.
    It was ok, i guess. I had to work. It was a busy weekend. I had to go spend some good quality time(all weekend) working on that damn camaro. I can't get shit done that i need to because of it. It would have been much better with you around though.
    Sorry to hear about that. If i was there i'd take care of you. I can make a mean chicken soup too. I hope you're feeling better, doll. Take care.

    P.S.- oh, yeah i've got your card and it's going out at lunchtime today.
    Oh Chris I wish you were here. Saturday went really well but I woke up this morning feeling so ill, couldn't eat, drink or stand for more than a few minutes, I'm too weak and I've got that man flu. I think a bad hangover from not eating from 7am yesterday hasn't helped. Anyway I felt to ill to go on the computer until now and then I saw your your message and I'm being really silly sitting here in tears because I want a cuddle.. I never cry but I'm just so tired. Anyway, I'm just drying my silly tears on the dogs ears. I've got to be up at 5am but I'll be back about 4pm-5pm depending on when I've got to pick my Mum up from the station.
    You too love. Enjoy your evening and good luck tomorrow. Cheers!

    And yes, i'll be thinking of you too!
    yeah. Gotta watch that. A lot of people fall into that trap of trying to be their children's friends because they think it makes it easier, but it actually is worse for the both of them.
    Its a tough balance sometimes, you know? There are things where i'm super easy with Avalon, and other things where i'm almost a dictator about.
    Well, just because the idea of a girl going completely out of control is frightening doesnt mean that you should condone actions such as drinking, smoking, etc. either. Oh and it looks like Julia Roberts to me.
    Actually, i was an angel(at least in my parent's eyesLOL) because i never did anything close to the house and, most importantly, I NEVER GOT CAUGHT. IF you hung out with me and we got about 20 or so miles form the house, then yes, i was somewhat problematic, to say the least.
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