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  • Sept. 02? Don't you ever read those labels? Are you trying to kill him?LOL Just kidding, love. If anything they just won't be very effective(if at all), thats all. Time to go back out and get some more.
    Hiya, beautiful! I never got the second one either. This is really aggravating. Tomorrow i'm going to have to go over to the Metro PCS store and try to figure out what the hell's going on. Enjoy your day off, doll.
    Just a really busy day with a lot of stupid bullshit going on here at work. Nothing a good stiff drink won't fix when i get home later on. Thanks for asking, love.
    Damnit. This is really starting to piss me off. It was around 6:30 pm my time when i sent it. I'll keep trying, doll.
    Good morning, love. I tried(again) to send you a text last night. It didn't bounce back to me, so it looked like it went through to you. Did you get it?
    I got it, dear. Not bad at all. I doubt i could do that kind of stuff(i actually tried to get into stained glass when i was 8 or 9 but failed miserably, so i gave it up).
    Hey, i'd have done the same thing if it was me, doll. Although, i'd have asked you first, then told your mum i'm taking you away from her for the rest of the trip.
    Yes. I take it you didn't read my reply. I thought it was awesome, and i liked his school picture as well.
    See? There are some nice guys out there....too bad we're very few and far between.
    No sweat about that, dollface. Heck, you need to send yourself too. Bring Connor as well. I'll take care of both of you:D
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