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  • Yeah, i do, doll. It immediately bounced the message back to me and said 'network not supported' but on the website it says Orange is one of the global networks thats supported, so i don't know what the hecks going on. Orange is the one you use, right?
    I'm here doll, i'm here. You know, i signed up for a "global texting" plan last night thats cost me $3.00 a month and i go to send you a text message and of course, it doesn't work so now i have to go down to the nearest store and flog somebody about this bullsh*t. Its just straight up aggravating sometimes.....but you're worth it love.....i just sometimes wish we weren't 4500 miles away from each other.
    I'm not sure if i'll talk to you anymore today so have a good evening, love. Cheers!
    The name rings a bell, but i can't say that i am familiar with them. Why do you ask?
    You really need to come to the states for a visit, dear. It might be kind of refreshing for you. I know i'd enjoy your company greatly.
    True. She may have one already(she probably does but is too embarrassed to tell him...imagine the surprise when he finds that!). Its tough to get one of those as a surprise for a significant other without them, as thats an insanely private matter. Seriously, He should just get some oils and stuff for her, and wait until he's in the store with her to buy her one of those.
    Those are always a good choice as a gift.....until she replaces him with it(but then again it isn't going to cut the grass for her either).

    He needs to go shopping for that for her with her though
    "He doesn't believe me because he thinks I'm so open-minded and dirty that I'd have visited the shop."

    So why haven't you? Those kinds of stores are seriously fun. Last one i was in( a couple of years ago BTW) i bought a button that says "i'm just a social drinker but i smoke crack like a motherfucker" and i laughed so hard i couldn't breathe. So i bought it. Tell your friend to get a velvet whip for her and some flavored body oils. That'll liven things up quite a bit.

    And yes, i've heard of chick obviously.
    My dad used to say 'birdie' or 'chippie' sometimes when he was referring to a young female.....epsecially when we were cruising by the beach....he'd yell out the car window "AAAAaaayyyy....lookit all da chippies!!". So i guess i knew but didnt think about it. And why wouldnt he believe you?
    Saran wrap is a clear plastic cling type of wrap for covering up food. Just tell him the truth, that you havent the faintest idea because you've never been there.
    The best i did was one time i was buying condoms, so i also bought some rope, trashbags, olive oil, saran wrap, chocolate sprinkles, whipped cream, a belt, 2 bottles of vodka, and a pregnancy test. The look on the cashier's face was priceless. I told it was going to be one hell of a weekend.
    It all changed for me about 15 years ago....i used to get really embarrassed about buying certain things for my ex wife but it was an ex girlfriend who said to me "so whats the big fucking deal? Its not like you USE this shit anyways" and it got me thinking how right she was. It hasn't bothered me since. Hell, i've even bought lingerie for some of my ex girlfriends before(as long as i know their sizes, obviously)
    I'd have said the same thing. That was awesome. You couldve just said "sorry, dear but she's more my type than you are" and pointed to the cashier.
    Not me. I've gone to the store for 'feminine products' for ex girlfriends and my female friends....it doesnt bother me a bit anymore. Anyone gives me a look and i just tell them i'm a post-op transvestite and watch the reaction...
    That had to be hysterical. So what did he do, run and hide? When i was that age i'd have done the same thing....now i don't care at all.
    No big loss then, doll. There's plenty of them to go around. I missed you this weekend.
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