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  • Its the way this phone company's calling plans are laid out. I actually tried to send you a text one night last week, but my phone company denied me immediately.
    You're not pissed up or too eager, doll. I had to run to the bank for a few minutes. Forgive my absence, please.
    I'm not exactly sure if i can text you at all. I'm going to have to go to the phone company's store and find out if it's possible. i know for a fact i can all you, but i'm not sure about texts. And i'm not abandoning you, love. I would never do that to you.
    Nope, its one of the only five holidays i get off in a year. So i won't be here, love. I'll be thinking of you, though.
    Heck no, doll. I've got to go to my sisters for a 'nice' family dinner, which winds up becoming a freakin madhouse. I'm going to be running around like a chicken with my head cut off for most of the afternoon and evening. It will be nice to sleep in for a bit, though. It'd be a much better holiday if you were around though.
    Good to know then, doll. Enjoy your meal and tell your pop i said "hi" from over the pond.
    "Dog's danglies?" Nice. I guess it's better than being called 'dog pecker gnats' though.
    I'll listen to you and any of your 'shit' anytime, love. I'm more than happy to lend an ear(or two) if needed.
    We have a string of cardiac problems in this family also. We're also dysfunctional too, but we're all very good looking as well. So there's good genetics and bad going on, but at least we look good, you know?
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