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  • Chris Rock is hysterical. Go check out some of the movies he did. His stand-up act is excellent as well. I find Ben Stiller to be not that funny to me. I like dry humour, but i just think he's really bland.
    Does it have to be in that order? you mean like Horem? Or could it be something like Homer?
    Anybody slaps you and their ass is mine. period. Too bad the face in the bear is wrong, but the pic is hysterical.
    Another good morning to you yet again, beautiful. Oh, and no, i haven't spoken to AJ via PM since he's been a mod. Why do you ask?
    Ya, i was 20. She was 19. I got her pregnant, and decided to do the right thing. I joined the US Air Force(i couldnt afford a child working at a junkyard, you know), and asked her to marry me.
    Sorry about it being bad like that. My marriage started out like a fairy tale, then morphed into a horror story very quickly. We were way too young to be getting married like that, but the resulting mess fucked me up so bad i doubt highly i could survive that kind of emotional destruction again. Thats why i'll probably never get married again.

    Oh, and i'm going to e-mail you some christmas music(lounge style), i think(hope) you might dig it. It'll be coming from yousendit.com
    Yep. It's MY past and i'll elaborate on it my way. I've had people do that before to me(not Thom, BTW) and it usually results in a really bad night for me. My ex-wife and i got into some vicious fights because of shit like that.
    True. I'm usually very open about my past and stuff but the key is that I want to be the one telling it, you know?
    I don't know. But, he has been friends with me for over 20 years, so he knows almost everything. Maybe he might tell you something i said or did a long time ago and you might find it offensive or something i dont know.

    But you do have quite an effect on me though.
    Wow....talk about an epic fail. Boy did i screw that one up, huh? I posted to myself again. See what kind of effect you have on me, dear?
    Thom's an interesting cat, huh? He's probably telling you all kinds of shit about me. Oh, well. You were bound to find them out anyways. And yeah, if you could make the trip, i'd love to have you around here. You'd definitely brighten up Florida for certain.
    Thank you beautiful. As i said before, i've been going through the local cardshops here like a shark, and i havent found what i'm looking for yet. Yet. Oh, and thank you for thinking of me like that. It means quite a lot to me you know.
    Thom won't mind it at all. And definitely, i think you're freakin awesome(and i think the world of you, too). I'm glad you dig his music. Hmmmm...i wonder how much i'd get ripped money-wise to send you one of his cd's. I still owe you a card too....i just haven't found that 'perfect' one.....yet. I'm still looking.
    As long as you didnt throw me under the bus, doll. thats all i'd be worried about. And yeah, i've been his biggest fan since the late eighties.
    You can talk about me as much as you want doll. Even if it's bad. I believe he sent you a message on myspace. His music is actually really good, if you like ambient and techno kind of stuff(with a tinge of Miami Vice 80's music)
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