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  • Nah. Honestly, i find the company to be much better when i'm by myself(more often than not). Besides, i've been a loner all my life.
    Actually no. The few people i used to hang out with got married and have had kids and stuff and we just dont do the same things anymore. I'm pretty much by myself all the time. It doesnt bother me that much though. I normally prefer the solitude.
    No, basically i have no life or friends here anymore to hang out with in the evenings(or during the days too). I just couldnt sleep too well last night.
    You're just like my friend Gudrun. Shes very strong, and she chooses to smoke because she likes it. People dont understand that fact about her, until i tell them that every time she goes to Dallas to visit her mom she doesnt smoke the entire time shes there. And for reference, last time she spent a month there.
    No. Never really needed it to be honest. I'm way stronger mentally than that. I heard it tastes funny though.
    Yeah, that pretty much negates any impact the exercise might have given you. Interestingly though when i used to go to the gym everyday after work the absolute last thing on my mind was a smoke after working out In fact, the thought of one would make me puke. However, about 3 or so hours later guess what? I was in a bar getting tossed on screaming nazis and chain smoking. Go figure.
    I cant believe they'd actually have a sign like that. Thats really funny. They could have just used the old "no PDA" thing.

    Wait a sec.....dont you ever pet Mr. Murphy?
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