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  • Lucky that you found yourself so quickly. Last time i lost myself i couldnt find myself for about 3 or so years. Then i found myself in the pocket of an old jacket that i never wear anymore that i was getting ready to donate to a homeless charity. I'm glad i checked the pockets first or i'd have never found myself.
    Why so "shsssy"? Who cares? You're not hurting my feelings. Do you have any, er, "pikeys" around you now? If so tell them i said "HEY YA PIKEY!!!"
    You've never heard the term "redneck" before? How about country folk? People who really like country music and live in trailers way out in the country? Whats a "pikey mate" anyways?
    Either i go around the flooded roads(which can be a major pain in the ass driving around the county in circles), or sometimes i'll take the bus(they seem to be able to go through 2 to 3 feet of water like it's nothing) or even sometimes i call up one of my many redneck buddies who own very large 4X4 trucks and have one of them come pick my ass up.
    Oh yeah it floods bad here. And the ground's actually pretty damp here normally. Remember, the entire southern part of the state is one big giant swamp(the Everglades). Hmmmm, now i want to go for an airboat ride.
    If i was there i'd be pointing and laughing too. Sounds like you need some boots with a decent knobby sole on them.
    Sprinkling? That looks like a few inches to me, dear. Besides, i dont often get to see much snow nowadays.
    I dont hate the cold.Well, unless it was like it was in Edmonton a few days ago at -66.1C below(windchill). You can keep that arctic shit. I can handle down to about -20C before i start to hate life. Oh, and BTW, i LOVE driving in the snow. In reality i hate the heat and humidity. I'm only here in Florida because of Avalon, remember?
    He loves it. But his(and his wife's) career keeps him(them) in the USA for the time being(hes the one who lives in NYC and is an actor and singer).
    Nope. I've never been to England or Europe at all. Thats why Nick keeps busting my ass about it. He always says "you've been all over and seen the new world, it's time to go see the old world". And he's right too.
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