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  • Yo what up miz berry? You haven't graced us much lately and i want to know what the deal is!!! :lol:
    Actually, if i had a bathtub, i would do that. Baths are very relaxing. I just don't do them that often. Have a good evening, hon. And thank you for listening to my bullshit today. Cheers!
    You know what i do sometimes? I think to myself "tomorrow i'll be able to chat with RB" and it cheers me up immensely. You, my dear, make me very happy.
    You had it right, dear. The other way is what you tell someone else. You 'advise' someone else, but they give you 'advice'.

    And yeah, i do try to follow my own advice, but sometimes shit piles up way too fast for me. Besides, i cant be completely lackadaisical here with my attitude. I'd lose my job if i went 100% fuck it here.
    Oh yeah i know. Remember i'm the one who told you about my "fuck it" rule. You know, the fuck it or fuck him/her/them, etc. rule.
    "Flick my hair"?
    Hellloooo.....i have testicles, not breasts. That flirty stuff wont work for me.
    Simple. When a customers car is down in the shop because the critical part is on a massive backorder, they don't care if Ford did this or Ford did that. They want to know why YOU(the parts person) don't have the parts needed to fix their car right now.
    Its hard to joke with someone who wants to rip your head off because they're blaming you for Ford's fuckup, though.
    Yeah, it does, but my stress level is so high when it does that i'm done i practically have a stroke from it.
    I have no idea. Our end of it is fixed(for now). Whatever Ford is doing about it i couldnt tell you. I just hope it gets done quickly.
    How about not doing anything. We lost our in-house billing and inventory system, and our router burned up at the same time. We finally get those problems fixed then Ford's internal website decides to crash on us. One fucking headache after another.
    I'm here. I'm having major computer issues here at work, and its making me beat my head against the wall.
    He should have a helmet on all the time, and he should take his mountain bike off road too(like I do, btw). And since when does the weather stop you from riding? I ride in all kinds of weather(it turns out i'm waterproof....go figure). Tell him i said to man up and grow a pair and get out there on that mountain bike:lol: (even if it is raining). I do it constantly.
    Well the Ipod nano sure is. To me, anyways. Perhaps i'm just too effin cheap. What about a bike for him instead of a treadmill?
    Boy, you guys go for broke don't ya? You want to adopt an older American boy by chance, would ya?

    Instead of a treadmill why don't you get him a bike?
    What shopping? I got cards for everyone. The only person i ever buy a physical gift for is Avalon, but this year her gift is me helping to pay for her school and subsequent trip to India. How about you?
    Oh, yeah thats right. We all had a good chuckle about how you "didnt like the hard bones" or something to that effect. I'd consider you more posh than myself.
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