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  • I'm getting ready to head out of here my love. Have a wonderful, wonderful Christmas. Give your mum and Con a christmas hug for me. I'll text you later if i can. Cheers!
    Can't say that i have. At least the titles don't ring any bells. Warm christmases kind of suck actually. I never could get into the holiday spirit sweating my ass off. And if putting christmas lights in palms trees isn't enough of a crime, seeing Santa in board shorts really ruins it for me.
    Tonight, actually. We do Christmas on christmas eve, so everyone can do their own thing tomorrow. I'm going mountain biking in the morning.
    That really sounds like pumpernickel to me. Now i've seen marbled rye bread, where the use the dough from pumpernickel swirled into the rye dough, but never rye itself that dark.
    I've never seen rye bread that dark before. Pumpernickel is that color, but good Jewish rye never is(at least not here it isn't). I underlined love just to stress the word, kind of how i'd have stressed it if i had physically spoken it to you.
    Link to what? What were you looking for, lady?LOL

    Burnt toast? Are you talking about maybe pumpernickel or perhaps bauernbrot?
    Its a German meat roll(roulade) made of bacon, onions, mustard and pickles wrapped in thinly sliced beef which is then cooked. Its friggin awesome.
    Excellent. Nobody had frozen veggies there? Thats how i usually get my precut stuff. My mum's making rouladen for dinner tonight. I can't wait.
    I'm supposed to be out of here around noon-ish, love. If i dont hear from you by then i'll text you afterwards.
    Graveyard shift is usually later than what you're working. Its usually the 10pm to 6 am shift(otherwise known as third shift).
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