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  • You couldve been really mean to him and said " Jeez, after 200 years of colonialism you'd figure you'd be better at English. I mean, you had all that time to get it right."
    Ah ha yeah see? you didnt even refute that comment......

    But seriously, all i know is all the phone lines started ringing at once, and then every retard in the county showed up on the front counter at the same time.
    I'm not sure. All of a sudden around quarter to twelve all hell broke loose and its been going downhill since. As for not looking forward to anything, how can you say that? Put it this way....i highly look forward to the day i get to meet you face to face......and then highly fear the moment immediately after when you scream and run away.....
    You can also explain to him that since the playstation seems the source of all the problems, he will ultimately control the fate of the playstation. For example, if he cant get a grip on himself, then it goes away permanently.
    I'm ok. Todays just been a madhouse here at work. It's straightjacket day here at AKLM!
    Where'd you run off to? It shows you online but you're not here. See, i knew you didnt love me anymore*sob*:lol:
    Greetings, beautiful. Just swung in to say hello and hope to speak to you soon. Miss you lots. Hope you had a lovely weekend. Take care. Cheers!
    Whoa. I didnt realize that the song i had was on the album you recommended to me. Cool.
    What pic are you looking at? The one i'm seeing i look like hammered shit.

    That shifty looking dude is my friend Jeff.
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