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  • Really? Cool. My main ringtone is the theme music to the old tv show "Get Smart", and i have a baby crying as a ringtone for my friend Jamie.
    Yes i did indeed intentionally spell both those words like that. In fact i did it just to be goofy.
    Good. A bit frazzled from fighting with the comp though. How about you? I see you liked my double entendre from yesterday.
    Nothing wrong with a nice banana here and there during the day, hon. I'll speak to you tomorrow. Cheers!
    For me, really. I cant go that long without eating(Well, actually, i can. I used to fast for a week or two all the time), but lately i don't think i can. I usually have to have a bite here and there all day to keep me going.
    If i skipped breakfast and only had some chicken salad i'd be trying to gnaw on a table right about now
    Yeah, there are some folks who are allergic to beer. I think its a type of grain allergy that does it. So is chicken salad all you got to eat?
    Just think.....your allergy is helping you to save money then. At least you're not allergic to beer hon, that would really suck.
    You're not strange. I think you've truly got an allergy to something. You dont have an iphone do you? One of my riding buddies has an iphone with a feature like that. Its mostly for cycling. And his yells at him to either pick up or slow down his pedaling cadence. The voice he chose was Gunnery Sgt Hartman(from the movie Full Metal Jacket). Imagine being out on a bike ride and you suddenly hear "PICK UP THE PACE YOU MAGGOT!!! MOVE IT MOVE IT MOVE IT MOVE IT!!!" from his phone in his pocket.
    It could be in the seasoning for the chicken too, hon. You sound like a good candidate for visit to an allergist.
    Honestly, my first thought was "heh heh i highly doubt shes allergic to those....":lol:

    MSG is monosodium glutamate. Its a flavor enhancer. I know quite a few people allergic to that stuff. Its not too good for you either, but it is very commonly used as well. Chinese food usually has loads of it.
    No, not at all but it sounds like theres something you're mildly allergic to thats affecting you. Possibly an ingredient....maybe MSG or maybe a nut allergy?

    Oh, man, the thoughts that just went through my head after typing "nut allergy".......
    Yes, unfortunately. That won't go away for about another month or so. And your idea of a cosy evening sounds delightful. Mind if i join you some time?
    It will get even shorter though. Last year around December i was getting out of work here at 5 and it was pitch black out already. And it was pitch black out in the morning on the ride in to work as well.
    Around 6-ish. Which SUCKS. Because it cuts my riding short. Too many crackheads out after the sun goes down around here. They always mess with people on bikes too.
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