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  • Ive got that song on my mp3 player. It reminds me of you, btw. We do seem to have somewhat similar taste in music(to a point anyways)
    I always liked obscure(at least obscure over here) musicians and artists such as Peter Murphy, Tones on Tail, Daniel Ash, James, etc etc etc..... I really wouldn't know where to start a list like that.
    I know all the top 40 stuff over here, but I was actually just talking about any UK artists that you'd heard of, obviously you've heard of the Beatles and the Rolling Stones. I always thought you didn't talk too much, I can go either way, I'm either a little shy or sooo in your face that you can't shut me up. Even Con says 'Mum, you are allowed to breathe'.
    If youre talking about the top 40 stuff on the radio i havent got a clue. Most of whats on today's radio here isn't very impressive to me. And i talk a lot too. At least thats what i've been told(numerous times, i might add)
    No, shes had some songs out here that became hits that made her mainstream. I wasn't much of a fan but thats only what they released here. I haven't heard much of her stuff to be honest.
    Insomnia was good, but i my faves are Bring my family back and God is a dj which were both on their second album. And the only reason i asked is because they weren't that big here, or rather they weren't that mainstream enough for the common jackass to have heard of them. I thought Dido was his half sister or something. Maybe i'm just splitting hairs at this point, huh?
    You forget some of my friends are serious ravers and club people(in fact i spent a good deal of time in NYC's club scene myself gettin down and groovin) so i've heard quite a bit more than most people would think. And as for it being too heavy, lets just say i'm a big fan of jungle and drum & bass/breakbeat.
    I just did. I know that song, but the version i've heard was a remix of it. Its a wonderful tune, btw.
    How did it come out wrong? Sounded fine to me. I got your meaning. I cant say for certain if ive heard that particular song just by the title, i'd have to physically hear it. I happen to like Groove Armada a lot. Just most of what i have by them is on compilation CDs.
    So why does she have to take the day off to get it done? Most shops here gladly will offer to give you a ride to work and pick you up from work to get your car.

    I wanna go food shopping with you too!
    "Gets on your tits"? NICE.

    Thats an amusing one. I'll speak at youses tomorrow. Cheerses!!
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