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  • Don't bust your ass for me, love. Just have a nice evening and a wonderful day tomorrow, okay? Cheers!
    Stuffy bastard. I bet he thinks he pees ginger ale too. People like that drive me nuts.
    Yes it is. And i can't believe they'd punish him for that. How stuffy is his school anyways? My best friend Nick and i used to fart in class when we were his age on purpose just to disrupt the class completely and all we'd get is yelled at a bit. It never went past that(and there were times the teacher used to turn beet red trying not to laugh also)
    Just by flirting you'd make a vicious salesperson, you know that? The kind that men fear.
    Personally if it was me i honestly wouldn't try very hard at all. I'd just be screwing around sucking up a paycheck. Now if i was paid on how many i handed out, then yeah i'd get very aggresive with it.
    When i was younger i used to love to go to the mall and people-watch during the holidays with my friends. Nowadays i just cant go near any malls at all. they drive me crazy. The idea of having to stand in one and hand out pamphlets almost makes me sick to my stomach.
    The price doesnt vary, just the time limit. Meaning if there's nobody else waiting to go online, they don't really mind if you stay on a little bit longer. I'm good today. How about yourself?
    It was $2.00 for a half hour or so......depending on if theres anybody else waiting to use one of the computers.
    I hope youre having a good day, hon. I'm sitting here at an internet cafe by the beach, and decided to drop in and say "hello love" to you. Cheers!
    Teatime already? Where does the time go? Well, time to hit the ole' dusty trail......you know the routine. text me if you'd like. And have a wonderful weekend. Cheers!
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