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  • It was fun. Saturday was a blast. Nothing beats cold beer, really good ska music, and riding motorcycles. Sunday was fun also, but it was ridiculously hot. I didnt stay at the bicycle bash long because of the heat. But i met some folks, and accomplished what i wanted, which was to see who's around doing what in the area.
    I do, hon. I work at a Ford-Lincoln-Mercury dealership. The thing is it's a franchise situation. Corporate doesn't get involved in HR problems at the dealership level, hon.
    Nope. No number to call. I work at a small family owned dealership. All i can do complain to the owner, and all Alex will say is oh, well and get back to work.
    Yep. he's pissed about it too. But there's not a whole lot he can really do about it either.
    He's not my manager. The clown giving me the problems is the manager of another department. A department i have to work closely with, though. So i've been just staying away from him. Lately every time i see him i start to get pissed off.
    Ah, ok, then that makes more sense. Sorry for being a dumbass on you today. I should've figured that one out.
    You pay about the same as me then. I just thought 80 was a bit steep for a cell plan. Wait, did you mean 80 for both his and yours?
    No, not the birthday present part of it, just the cost of the plan. I've spent WAY more than that on Avalon for birthdays and Christmas(thank God she doesn't want stuff like that anymore).
    If its contract watch out for overage charges. Avalon almost killed me with those.
    Thank you, hon. Have a wonderful evening. And thanks for listening to(reading) my drivel too.
    That works both ways, hon. Watching a girl ralph all over the floor was usually a quick way to chase the boys away in a hurry. Well, most of 'em.....
    Shes good. Shes wrapped herself up in her discipline schooling. So is Con okay? I'm sorry i didn't ask earlier.
    She was pretty cool. Flaky as hell sometimes. Very sweet also. She tried to always help others out, and wound up getting screwed a lot by some very unscrupulous folks.
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