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  • You can text me when i'm asleep too, sweetie. I don't mind the distraction from you at all.
    Ireland is a bit colder than where i want to live, thats for certain. Dang. Don't you have to leave again soon? Send me a text this weekend. Take care, doll.
    Yes. Solitude is important to me. The top of a mountain usually works very well for me. How about you?
    NY is way too nostalgic for me(in a good way) to hate. For me, anyways. As for going back to NJ, if i could afford it, i probably would. Although it still wouldn't feel like home. It never did, actually. Just a very familiar place. The only time i ever truly felt "at home" was wandering around the desert when i was in the Air Force and i lived out there. I'd always vowed to go back there for good, but just haven't made it yet.
    I can't say i hate NY city as i grew up right there, remember? Now, LA, yeah, i've been there and i do not enjoy the place at all.
    In the UK i probably couldn't either. My ideal place in the US is the high mountain desert areas. Think Utah, Northern New Mexico, Northern Arizona, Parts of Nevada. Places where its still a desert but its not that hot in the summer, partly due to the altitude of the region.
    There is, just not where i'm living now. I don't want to buy anything in Florida. The market here is way too screwy for me. Besides, my ultimate goal is to leave Florida and head west eventually. Thats where the saving for a down payment for some real estate comes into play.
    I don't either. My rent is only $560 a month, and it includes all utilities. That was the reason i moved, so i could save the extra $400 a month on rent and utilities that i was paying at my last apartment.
    Living like a tramp is what i do best, dear. As for writing everything down, i'll have to give that a shot and see where it goes(i can see that quickly becoming a major pain in the ass to me, BTW).
    Huh, must be nice to be loaded. I can't seem to get ahead here, and i've reduced my expenses to almost nothing.
    But do they require a minimum daily balance of $5000 or more? The banks around here do.
    You get interest? Lucky you. Over here if you want checking with interest, they saddle your ass up with these ridiculous minimum balances and they burn the hell out of you with fees.
    I've always defined "rich" as people who are surrounded by other people who love them dearly, either as friends or family or otherwise or both. So therefore i am truly rich. I just don't have any money:lol:
    So what did you spend $230USD on? It'd take me almost a month to spend that much on groceries.
    I'm good, my dear. Not too busy here(yet). How about yourself? Everything ducky over there?
    *sigh* Okay, leave if you must. I'll be floating around here as usual tomorrow, so if you can sneak in and say hi please do so.
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