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  • I believe they will too. They're going to good homes. So no thoughts on the calloused part?
    Yes, indeed. You want to know what bothers me about this the most? That upon hearing the news it didnt bother me. I wasn't sad or messed up or anything. I got really pissed after the fact because of how hard it hit Avalon, but my first honest though was "i'm surprised she lived as long as she did". I guess i'm just a cold hearted callous person after all. I don't know why it didnt bother me, but it didnt. I am concerned about my ex, Amy. They were best friends. According to Avi, she seems to be holding up pretty good. Maybe its because Amy already adopted Robin's youngest child(her name is Faith), and i think she's going to adopt the oldest one now also. So i guess the good that comes out of all this is the fact that the kids will finally have a loving stable life now. Oh, yeah, Amy's husband's brother is adopting the other 2 kids also. Him and his wife can't have children, due to medical conditions.
    No, i seriously doubt she realised it at all. She was very impulsive when i used to hang around her, and i could see her managing to get her hands on a gun and immediately doing the first thing that flashed through her mind, which unfortunately happened to be putting the barrel in her mouth and pulling the trigger.
    Apparently she was a mess. Almost 40 years old, lost all her kids to the state, and has been wrapped up in a nasty heroin addiction for years. But as rough as her life was, what she did saturday was extraordinarily selfish. Avalon was a mess when she found out. Even though she hadn't seen Robin in years, it still screwed her up good. I spent 3 hours on the phone with her sat. evening trying to calm her down. I told Avalon nobody forced Robin to do drugs, she made those poor choices on her own, so most of her rough life was indeed a product of her making.
    A person i used to hang out with that i haven't seen or spoken to in years shot herself saturday morning. So between that and that clown here at work being a jackass to me and lets just say its been a rough week.
    I'm good. Just trying to get through this crazy week. I didnt tell you what happend this weekend, did i?
    Nah, i'd be too power hungry. I'd treat my employees like absolute shit and work them to death just for my own personal gain.
    But you'd make a wonderful manager. Hell, i'd be honored to do your bidding in an employment scheme of things.
    The problem with you working here is nothing would get done in the shop. All the techs would be hanging around you like a bunch of drooling monkeys, trying to hook up with you.
    As for the fucktard, He was hired into his position a couple of years ago. He's been a service manager for years, but now it makes sense to me why he's worked at so many dealerships in his career.
    He's a dirtbag anyways, but i'm pretty sure he knows hes at the top of my shit list now. Nobody here likes him, and i cant for the life of me figure out how he still has a job here. Unless, of course, he's blowing his boss.
    Not just a general cock but a very specific 5-star dick to be precise. Apparently, he's seemed to have started getting his panties bunched up about me and what i do here in parts, instead of worrying about his own department and his own employees.
    Its been maddening here at work. Lets just say the service manager and myself are about to go have a little "chat" behind the building soon, and by "chat" i mean i'm about to risk my job by knocking his fucking teeth down his throat. Sorry for the crazy news here. How are you? I'm glad you liked my random text.
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