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  • Looks like I may have to call my seedling trays a wash and just start over when the temps are cooler. Even with water, the seedlings' leaves are all dropping off because of the high temps, and the seedlings I transplanted are basically wilted. Sad panda :( At least my TS Morugas are doing great...
    It shot up to 95 degrees in the shade, and it'll be 94 tomorrow, when even up until yesterday, every weather service app I had said the temps were gonna be the mid 80's all week. And I've had mine in Jiffy pellets in trays in my covered patio for several weeks now, and they didn't mind the mid-80's that've been around for the last month or two...
    Seems I may have spoken too soon. I checked the seedlings, and almost off of them made it back. Lost one or two that were iffy to begin with, but most made it...
    Awesome to hear. :) It's been hitting 100+F here almost every day, and mine seem to be doing okay in full sun as long as I don't forget to water them.
    Wow di I pick a bad day to transplant my seedlings in Jiffy pellets into my garden. 95 degrees outside, and combined with the dark fabric out there, he leaves started to point downard in a few minutes. They're being watered right now, so hopefully they'll survive...
    How cool! Got a big order for my BBQ sauce from oCaveman (many thanks, good sir) and a local restaurant wants to discuss buying my TS Morugas when they become available...
    Burn 'em bad
    I do love your sauce bro! Congrats on making the new contacts. Hope that pans out to be something cool (or hot) for both of you.
    I do plan to! I gave the restaurant's general manager and kitchen manager my contact info and they gave me their's, and they'll discuss it amongst themselves and get back to me if they're interested :) And thanks again Caveman! :)
    Just checked my plants, and I keep finding more flowers and pods on them. I have a feeling the ferts I applied over the last week are doing their job ;)
    Was it you that just got the Sea-90
    No, I got the Open Sesame, Beastie Bloomz, and Cha-Ching powder ferts. Last weekend, I also put in a half-gallon of compost bloom tea as well, so between these items, it explains the explosion of flowers & pods...
    Had enough bagged topsoil for 33 5-gallon buckets, and put Reaper seeds in all of them. Can't wait to see how they grow!
    seeds in dirt? hmmm...nawwww that'll never work ;)
    Like pure topsoil in 40 lb bags from the hardware store? Keep us updated. I used some for a mix I made this summer and it was like pure sand! I mixed it 50/50 with mels mix and the plants seem to be okay. You should have seen the NPK for my mels mix alone when I got it tested lol every nutrient and micro nutrient level was through the roof too high :/
    Funny enough, I got a bunch of the seeds I sowed directly in soil to germinate over the last couple weeks, and in several spots, it was little more than sand between the rain and drip irrigation filtering out the top half inch or so in a couple spots. Most of it's still good soil though :) So I'm very hopeful that the Reaper seeds I put in will germ in a week or three!
    The compost tea came today, and my Yellow TS Morugas are now getting an off-schedule feeding of it, considering how many flower buds they're pushing out right now :)
    Your plants are going to love you for that off schedule feeding I promise you ...:)
    Just bought some worm tea concentrate for my plants
    Well, if that's the case, then 25 gallons would be a little much for me, since I have only 2 fert reservoirs (1 is 2 gallons, and the other is .75 gallons), unless I decide to bottle it and sell it somewhere. But who would buy gallons of liquid worm castings from me? ;)
    I can't make enough of the stuff.. I use it on my lawn, garden, house plants etc... I'm a lawn freak so I spray the lawn once or twice a week with tea... Wish I had a large brewer.. :)
    I'm pretty much the opposite, in that the only thing I use it for would be my peppers, as the lawn and such is taken care of by the Homeowner's Association. And my fert injectors mix at 1%, so unless I run my drip irrigators all the time, I doubt I'd be able to run through 25 gallons in anywhere close to 24 hours. Though I imagine some folks on here wouldn't mind buying some worm tea from me ;)
    Confirmed. Several flowers on my Yellow TS Morugas were pollinated, and more and more flowers open, and tons more on the way!
    Getting more and more open flowers on my Yellow TS Morugas, including several that look like they've been pollinated in the last day or so...
    Hybrid Mode 01
    Hybrid Mode 01
    I hope the trend continues and they load up!
    As do I. That herbicide really did a number on them, and I basically lost nearly 2 months' of production time on them, not to mention a who drawer full of dropped pods
    Looks like we got ourselves a spammer...
    I chanced it, and got as far as the Paypal payment screen (chose the credit/debit card option), and the price was still the same. So either he sold the 50, and the coupon's no longer valid, or it was never valid
    I would go with the latter. Making you think he sold out of the 50.
    Wouldn't surprise me in the slightest...
    Finally done putting all the seeds I have so far into the ground. Here's to hoping they don't all wash away with the next rainstorm lol
    Great idea, Judy! I'll get some solo cups to cover them. I've also got them on my drip irrigation already. I do have to find something to weigh them down though, and I wonder how I can weight down 180 for cheap lol
    there's always visquine.... just don't leave it there in the sun.
    Hrm, that may be a problem then, since the storms don't roll in until several hours after I'm at work :(
    Staking down the individual drip lines and cutting holes in the fabric... one row down, three to go!
    All done for now, and just in time too, since being on the blacktop fabric in direct sun all morning, I was sweating like crazy out there. I'll take a breather, and later this afternoon, sow what seeds I have, and finish everything else later this week when the other seeds from Judy come.
    My row of Moruga seeds is done, and I've done the first 1/3 of the bhuts so far. Got the other 1/3 of the Bhuts I wanna do today, and then my row of 7Pots.. Once I get Judy's seeds (the remaining 1/3 of the bhuts and the Butch T's I'll be all done :)
    How cool! Since I lost my Paypal Here card reader, I called Paypal up, and they're sending me two card readers, so I can have one at home, and one on the go
    them (PP) and square one come in handy for sure.
    I'm not too fond of the Square one anymore, since they sometimes make you wait for days before the money's available, whereas with Paypal, it's available right away
    wait a minute. I know I'm shitfaced n all Paul, but if u got a envelope with cash in it, with my name on it. would i not still get my pods? lol
    If he has nothing to hide and is all about the truth, why remove reviews and delete comments from his FB page?
    From reading some of the people's posts/comments on there, he does have at least a small handful of very loyal customers, but I can't imagine it's that many, and most seem to only buy a couple boxes here & there, not enough to feasibly sustain his operation (or at least one of his claimed size) for very long.
    The thing about Dale, is that I would love to like him. I wish he was a great vendor like some of the rest of the vendors here because I love small businesses. But the way he treats everyone just puts me off from ordering from him. I don't have any sort of personal grudge againt him but wish he'd start accepting some responsibility and quit pointing the finger at every unsatisfied customer. Also, his off sale prices are crazy high
    100% agree illWill, we all need to support small businesses, but it's really hard to when those lie Dale act the way they do and treat their customers like crap
    Funny how, less than an hour after I posted the link onto Baker's FB page, it gets deleted, and suddenly Baker's Peppers no longer allows others to post on there or comment on others' posts...
    he just blocked you from commenting again
    lol, did he now?
    Yep, same happened to me elcap, after I asked if his pods ripen in the mail. I got blocked from being able to comment.
    Crossing my fingers. Got two e-mails the last couple days saying I'm in the running for two different promotions at work. Should know soon if/when I'm going to be interviewed for them
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