OK, time to get serious... Found a hornworm munching on a 7Pot Jonah, and saw it had already stripped a 7Pot Douglah bare. Killed it with a bamboo skewer... Gonna go get some organic caterpillar killer.
Nice-sized order for my powder and seeds during the night. On the way to the Post Office to drop the order off, I decided to treat myself to some Starbucks
Weeding in garden done, hornworm caterpillars killed, neem oil & pyrethrum applied to take care of thrips, and fertilizer added to injector for application tomorrow, saw several plants are already pushing out flower buds, they got a good healthy dose of rainwater, and I went to a restaurant for a locally brewed beer & a loaded chicken sandwich... Yeah, it was a good day.
You gotta love it when a certain banned vendor's FB flunkie replies to a bad review, and the best defense they can come up for said vendor's actions is that the vendor's got wonderful-looking plants.
Wow... I was about ready to crap bricks a moment ago. I was updating the commerce plugin on my website, and not only did the update fail, but prior version was removed. I had a couple pending orders in, but I reinstalled the plugin, and thankfully, while the plugin was removed, the DB for it remained in tact, and had all the info still in it. So now I'm back up & running after being down for all of 5 minutes
I'm pleasantly surprised. I was ready to give up on a tray of Butch T seeds I swoed ~6 weeks ago, and start from scratch, but must to my pleasant surprise, I saw a hook this evening. There's hope again!
Got an email from a local Farmer's Market owner, asking if I can start Sunday. Had to reply back and say the rest of my plants aren't producing yet and I wouldn't have nearly enough peppers to sell just yet. But I'll be ready next month He'll keep a spot open for me
Still got boxes of peppers available for sale. A box of red's and 6 boxes of yellow. You can also get the MFRB of Yellow's for a good discount. PM me for details
This is too funny! I just had a guy on FB order a box of peppers from me, and mentioned he was a (former) customer of Baker's, thanking me for my prompt replies. He said he would contact me again shortly to do a multi-box order for a discount, to which I heartily agreed