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  • Just posted 9 boxes of assorted Hot Stuff and Pure Evils for flat prices. Check it out in Forum Ads!
    doing taxes and drinking. If I'm gonna have a headache, might as well make it worthwhile.
    Stuff... Not staff... :sigh:
    Taxes & drinks certainly the only way to go!I like your style,CHEERS!
    Nothing like procrastination! Oh, I did ours this week too. Never mind. I feel for you with the business and all. Extend and worry later! Haha
    enjoying bloody marys and my new kindle FIRE! Great day~ Thanks, Honey! Love You!
    Great to hear salsalady love me some bloody marys and a new kindle sounds like a great day. Look into a logi tech keyboard for your kindle works fantastic around 40 bucks and saves your screen from constant touching and much easier to type. My honey got me mine love it!! cheers :)
    New puppy got ahold of a vial of 9.6mil Pure Evil that had fallen to the floor. Didn't realize it until he started running frantically between John and myself, licking his chops. I was really worried he'd eaten the whole vial cuz we couldn't find the bottle. Finally found it under John's chair. He'd punctured the rubber dropper top but didn't get a whole lot of PE. WHEW! Fed him some sugar, he's fine~~ (lil shithead!)
    Chile Juju
    Chile Juju
    Pepper-Pups...whatcha gonna do?! He found the right fam, that's for sure! ;) He's a natural! Great li'l trooper....
    we haven't offered him hot sauce on a chip yet. That'll tell how much of a chile-pup he is. Old dog Mostyn would eat up to Hot salsa on a chip, but he wouldn't do Scorcher on a chip.
    Oh no! Ouch! At least he just got a taste and will be no worse for the wear, just maybe a little wiser.
    The Kid said he wanted LOTS of money for Christmas. So I put 100 one-dollar bills in a box for him. -lol-
    Student of Spice
    Student of Spice
    To be fair Rex is still not allowed to use scissors ;)
    Student of Spice
    Student of Spice
    Thats a fun gift assuming the kid is a kid and not 18.....then you may as well drove him to the strip club yourself lol
    He's almost 17. But he did make a comment about a stripper club. Lol.
    Maybe a disclaimer on your site, if this is a gift please note and we will not decorate the box with our awesome stickers :)
    Good point JHP, And Parker...How's the wait? -lol- You know what it is, but not what it actually is :P
    it's torture waiting to sort of know but not really know, oh well i'm sure it will be worth it :)
    GabbyDog just went to the Rainbow Bridge, sat with him on the porch until he died. Best gentle soul ever. Love that dog~
    Rest in peace ol friend.
    Thanks Neo~ and Ronaldo. Gabby had a lot of great adventures with us and blessed our lives with his mellow loving spirit.
    Thanks Neo~ and Ronaldo. Gabby had a lot of great adventures with us and blessed our lives with his mellow loving spirit.
    One of our own lost 2 of their own. Hellfire Hot Sauce company owners Merle and Diane lost 2 of their 3 sons in a horrible accident. They are not acive on THP, but are well know in the hot sauce industry and community. Just send a prayer for them in this time of incredible sorrow. No need for replies.
    Wildfires in Twisp and Winthrop, mandatory evacuations. 3 firefighters killed this afternoon, Zero containment. Please send prayers.
    Still scary, thanks for the thoughts and prayers for the 3 firefighters' families. Probably going to loose power tonight. We and the Scovie's household ate hunkered down with generators ready.
    ARE hunkered down...
    THX for the update, Ann. Thinking positive thoughts for y'all.
    Evan and I are hitting the road to the Cali Hot Sauce Expo. Will post lots of pics from the show. -cheers-
    texas blues
    texas blues
    You rock!
    Thanks guys. Helluva first day 470 miles, averaged 44 the math on that one. UUUGH! I's so ready for a glass 'o red! Goal for tomorrow is 517 miles or more.
    good luck! sell lots of salsa! wished i could be in LB but prior commitments.
    3 locked threads? Seriously? C'mon guys, chill the (heck) out and pretend you are in kindergarten..."if you can't say something nice.....(you know the rest)". There's enough different sandboxes for everyone to play in.
    lol she just called whoever shes talking to mentally 4 years old and then told them to shut up if theyre not nice

    technically, I said to act like they teach kids in kindergarten to act, didn't say they were 4 years old. How about..."don't be the CAT in the sandbox"...if you know what I mean~ ;)
    I just hit play on Pitch Perfect 2. I dont even poop.
    Just got a call from a customer (4:30pm on Memorial Day). He'd placed an order for hot sauce to be shipped to his sister but typed in the wrong street spelling. Turns out, he's enlisted, just returned from deployment overseas and is in Hawaii. He'd ordered a bottle of Pure Evil while deployed, but when I saw it was going to an APO/FPO I included other stuff including bottles of Ghost Fire. He loved the stuff and was buying a bottle for his sister. During the conversation, he...
    Thanks, meinchoh, and the rest of you guys. It's not me being awesome, it's just a little connection that some random comment brings home.
    Something as simple as sending hot sauce to troops helps boost morale. If that helps one person to feel better, perform better, come home safe to their family...but to hear about it after the fact is humbling.
    The Hot Pepper
    Dude is playing some on-line game and someone posted in the chat about "getting killed online is nothing compared to pure capsaicin drops". Dude asked and the guy has PE 9.6! Did a drop straight despite the warnings. -LOL- It's a small world in the interwhebz....
    THanks, geeme! JayT, 2 people have tried it with 14mil. DeathTollsCorner failed big time, Chile Beast totally did it wrong. Did 10 drops on the tongue then ate a cup of ramen. :rolleyes: We are going to do the challenge at the CA Hot Sauce Expo in July!!!
    For awhile I wanted to do a ten drop microwaved hotdog. Just to spite your Ramen challenge. I was gonna do it in Twisp, but Scovie talked me out of it. Said it would suck if I was in the fetal position for two of the seven days I was up there. lol
    Soviet was right. Wise decision to not do that on vaca. But I do like the idea!
    just finished taxes and now I'm drinking....heavily....
    I'm tryin', geeme...but some dumbass somewhere decided April 14th was a good day to mandate a JAVA upgrade which I can't get done after 5 tries so I can't deposit money from one account to the needed account to pay taxes. and it won't downoad, and I've rebooted several times....I don't even have any wine and the rum's almost gone....gonna sit down and cry now... IRL.... see y'all in a while...
    Just finished work for the week, and I'm planning on seeing how much is left in the keg…. Congrats on the tax, PITA. At least here if we go to an accountant we can offset their fees as a tax deduction
    Sorry re the banking stuff up though, that sucks donkey balls
    Should be doing taxes...but I got 2 days to go. Posting on THP instead!!! Lothing like putting off to the last minute what should of been done months ago~
    Jeff H
    Jeff H
    Why rush into things ANN. You have over 36 hours left to get the taxes done. Plenty of time.
    I'm with you, chica! Actually had mine filled out except two tiny items the first of February. Got those two tiny items collected by mid-February. Yet here I sit, about to actually enter them and finish the dang things!
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