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  • So I'm to blame, well I miss you so much at work, especially in the evening shifts that you can blame me all you like.
    I thought every Nokia came with Snakes, it's rubbish and even the later versions are awful. Solitaire's probably the best one for those really boooooring moments. I'll have to find out how much it costs to e-mail on my phone as that's quicker than trying to wait for THP to load.
    So it's not too old at all. Mine's not really a modern one. I've got a N82. My favourite one is probably my phone before this, a pink Nokia 6111. It just looked nice.
    I think I know what you mean, one of the older Nokia's, a bit brick-like and could survive a nuclear war. My phone's a Nokia.
    Right just logging off now for good but I saw that message before I did. I bet you don't have a photo of me on your phone, LOL. I was looking at you at 6am the other day.
    I would have liked to have met you before I got married then divorced. I think I'd be a very satisfied girl then. I'm just trying to cook stir-fry in the microwave again... smells nice, but tastes not quite how it should. Speak to you tomorrow babe. x
    I'm sure over here that we arn't like that though. It's big news but we don't go mad over it, the English have always been known as a little reserved, then I came along. I liked Tony Blair as PM, he was a nice man. BTW I hate politics.
    Is that the president thing? From what I've read they are going mad over it in the US. The English are a little different in that way, maybe not so passionate.

    Sorry I'd posted to myself once again.
    LOL, he's gone to his table tennis club, hey we all know it's ping pong really. He just wants to prove that he can beat the adults that run it. Con's language is getting shocking, I heard him say 'Tit-wank' earlier :shocked: So pocket money has stopped for this week. I've really missed you today.
    Thank you so much. It's just Con is doing his homework very quickly before he goes out to a club tonight and it's Religious Education about how the world could come to an end so I told him to use the Plague or the Armageddon theory, you know the film. They used Texas as an example for size that would hit earth and I told him to make it less obvious so it didn't look like I'd just Goggled the film plot so to put another example, oh well, she'll still know I've copied it. Who cares anyway.
    Hey I need your help quickly babe, please name me a large state in America that's not Texas, I don't know which ones are big (mass, land-size).
    Just work, but I like it now I know what I'm doing, OK sometimes with me and another girl it's like the blind leading the blind but I can usually work stuff out. It's freezing here at the moment.
    Well that one's certainly big enough. A/C is something that's alien to me, UK houses don't require it, I don't even have it in my car, shit I don't even have a CD player.
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