I don't mean super heavy though, I can't even say the kind of groups I mean as they are small english ones. OK, a near example of them are The killers, Fall Out Boy, and the Foo Fighters.
I love The Sunday's version, thanks for that. I dunno why she's so big over there, I still think her best performance was the first one ever on Britain's Got Talent. I've seen on on youtube doing other things and I think the first was still the best. I never saw her on TV, just youtube.
I'm sure you can get free internet on your phone quite cheaply. I had actually been on the internet at work about once every few weeks without realising it, I thought we could only get our company site...er... I never thought of putting another address in the bar above.
Then you'll turn into a real hermit. I'm even worse since I discovered that we have the internet at work, we had it all along but I just didn't realise.
I haven't got the time, that's the only reason for me. Dinner time now but I have a day off tomorrow so I'm all yours. Thanks for putting up with me all arsy.x