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  • You were the one that taught me the FUCK IT thing and it worked wonders at work. I do worry about you.
    Ah, you're control freak like me. Have you ever tried just going with the flow and what happens or is happening, tell yourself you'll take it in your stride? I try to but often fail.
    I thought I'd posted a message! Sorry. Would it help if you kept yourself really busy or just try and think that's she's happy and would hate for you to be miserable.
    How much contact do you have with her? I know it's an awful thing to say but I think it's worse if you only have the one child.
    I know how you feel, I hate it when Connor's not here, nothing's complete. I mean when he is here he's on the x-box or playstation anyway so I don't see him, but I know he's around.
    Dinner time now sweetie and I can't wait to get in my own (underlined) bed tonight. Take care and I'll speak to you tomorrow. x
    He's easy going though, nothing bothers him. He works 24 hr shifts sometimes, doing 3 jobs just to give his kid more money than he needs to by the courts (parents split up) and he travels from Kent to Wales every fortnight to see him. American's are very laid back, well the ones I've met, they just take it all in their stride and it's great.
    Because one of the bar staff last night said to me when I asked him if he was alright getting home replied 'I come from NY, this is nothing'. But then again he walked for 20 minutes and then came back looking much like my snowman because he'd forgotten his phone charger.
    I was only joking, the ctrl and + makes no difference, I don't mind, I can strain my eyes on the little, tiny print, just excuse any typing errors. BTW do they get a shitload of snow in NY?
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