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  • I would say I'll have a sneaky word with Iggy but I wouldn't as that's horrible. I hate having my photo taken, it always looks so unnatural. A pervy guest at work told me he thinks I could be very photographic, that was after telling me that I really was quite attractive in a certain light, not really a compliment.
    Well don't eorry about that, loads of people will have a camera, just make sure you're the one standing in front of the camera.
    It's funny how they can concentrate on what they want to. Connor just can't listen that well and gets disturbed by anything. The thing is you never know how much is just him being a normal child.

    I've loved today with you but I'm off now but I'll be here tomorrow babe. xxxxxxxxx
    They're just bubbly kids with personality. Connor used to be on tablets but I hated them and stopped them.
    You sound like a lovely Dad. Con was diagnosed with ADHD at the age of 6 so his concentration is never going to be that good. He's good at sport, well he would be, excess energy.
    Oh no I wasn't thinking of any. Our main ones are Walkers.

    I got Connor's school report today and I was pleased with it, he's very polite and a pleasure to teach. Of course my Mum can find fault with it but I try and look at the positives more than the odd negative bits.
    It is originally swiss though. Do you have a famous brand of crisps over there? I think you call them chips.
    Yeah well they want to import and rebag them to the UK, we get everything else by the Swiss makers Nestlé.
    Well that's a bonus then and that was the first thing I thought about when you mentioned them. I'm sure you could get them in London. I just don't understand how you can get Flipz when we could 10 years ago but not now and the company is Swiss yet you can get them.
    No just a pack, I had the chocolate ones last night and now I've got the white fudge ones. Normally I like savoury stuff but when I don't get chance to eat these are really nice.
    I forgot to tell you that I had a packet of Pretzel Flipz just before 11pm and they were out of this world, I forgot how nice they are. I bought them off the internet, the company I get them from is so quick with delivery-the next day and it's free. I've got another pack for work on Saturday.
    I don't have any stores that sell hot sauces, it's all done over the internet. We have a few dotted around the country, not many and the stuff you get from the supermarket is shit.
    Thanks for that, it's just that I always seem to have Woody's or the Snakebite. My favourite now isn't for sale, a lovely man off Woody's forum makes it and sends me one when he makes a batch but I ran out today and Woody's sauce is upside down in the fridge to get the last bit out. I've heard that Melinda's sauces arn't hot otherwise there's the Marie Sharp's to try.
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