The Hot Pepper
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  • I just noticed that multiple page threads save all pages with the same name, rather than auto naming them with the page number. Will this be fixed or is that the new way?

    Thx, Rick
    At least you're consistant....:lol:

    Hey are you going to change the default colour on these visitor messages??

    Forum is starting to look pretty good!!!
    Hey boss i am having trouble editing posts. It seems as though it is loading the edit feature but just doesn't load it??
    It was great! It was full of flavor from the roasted garlic and pepper-pepper and had a nice Jolokia bite to it. Not to mention juicy and very tender. It was truly cooked to perfection. I cooked up 6 of them for everyone here, although the remaining five didn't have the Jolokia powder on them, everyone was in awe. :lol:
    Oh really, Well I do feel that new leadership could be a good thing......It's all part of my PMD master plan!!!

    Pip just told me that he thinks he's more popular than you. I think something needs to be done with that guy, he's getting out of hand lately.
    Merry Christmas to you too. I'm stilltuck on the couch with my foot in the air. So, you can rest easy knowing I've got your back ;)
    Apparently PMD is bored today. I had to ban him twice and once he registered as pepperfreak_ and accused me, me of all people, as being Moyboy! Now that is just crossing the line. :lol:
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