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  • If there is ever a soap opera/reality TV show about the chilehead sub-culture, I hope they call it "As The Turd Burns". (Not really)
    Well, my laptop died this morning. That means no more video editing for the time being. =(
    I have leftover enchilada casserole, as well as an unopened bottle of Lucky Dog Green Label. I think a sauce review is in order tonight.
    Lucky Dog Hot Sauce
    That Green Label is some good stuff. Not really hot, but the flavor was on point.

    Now if only my card reader was still functional. I'd have the footage uploaded and be started with the editing already. =(
    I just realized I haven't reviewed any sauces in a couple of weeks. I need to fix that.
    That SteakNKibble troll just posted my name/address on YouTube. Wonderful.
    Even better, posting my personal info on YouTube isn't considered a violation of their Community Guidelines.

    Google can suck it.
    Wow, maybe ignoring them is no longer an option. Getting dox'd is ground for all out war!
    Well, I have a few people doing some digging, to see if they can find any personal info about this guy. Thus far, all they have found out is that they are a rather prolific little troll.
    Moruga-filled twice baked potato, topped off with a moruga hot sauce. Now I'm feeling a little light headed. =P
    LOL. Now SteakNKibble is thumbing down all of my videos from multiple accounts. What a chode.
    I vote in favor of reporting his candy ass... Especially if you can prove it's him :)
    They have already been reported as of this morning. But we also went ahead and disabled comments/ratings for our videos. If people want to troll, they can do so in the open. No hiding behind some anonymous YouTube account.
    Good deal, sir!
    Anyone know who "steaknkibble" is on YouTube.
    Wow. Not only did this troll thumb down all of the videos on the HeatAddicts channel, they also did so on my personal YouTube channel. Whoever it is behind that account, they must live a miserable existence.
    Haters are gonna hate. I'm willing to bet dollars to donuts this was one of the people who was on here asking for free seeds/pods/plants and when he was rebuffed, he went on a trolling rampage...
    Whenever I make dinner with fresh super hots, I always wind up having the weirdest dreams.
    Making a batch of chili w/ 7 Pod Jonahs tomorrow, and then doing a big hot capicola hash breakfast w/ Morugas on Sunday. It's gonna be a HOT weekend.
    Well, 3-4 Morugas between 2 people. So it won't be that deadly. But I bet it won't be mild either. =P

    No can do, Scovie. But I will be filming cooking videos for each thing we make this weekend, and I will be sharing them on here when they're uploaded. =)
    You know what I love most about elections? It means no more annoying political ads for a while.
    Well the side effects for pharmaceuticals is about the same as what happens when you watch political ads: "may cause explosive diarrhea and thoughts of suicide."
    Vote for freedom? Done that. Except for those unopposed, no D or R got my vote.
    Jeff H
    Jeff H
    I was driving home from work thinking just two more hours until the f-ing commercials stop!!!!! In one of the battleground states, you get flooded with the adds. It is obnoxious.
    Back from vacation. Time to edit some videos. I have 3 reviews I need to edit/upload.
    welcome back.. saw your post on another site.. will do your relish... =D
    Editing Pod x Yo-Yo Challenge Attempt #2 today. After watching the raw footage a couple of times, this one is gonna be comedy gold. =P
    Pod x Yo-Yo Challenge #1 is done. The Savannah 7 won this time. I only made it a minute and a half before tapping out. LOL.
    Tonight, I will be filming the Pod X Yo-Yo Challenge #1. I will be eating 1 super hot pepper, and attempting to yo-yo for 5 minutes without drinking anything. It's gonna be brutal.
    texas blues
    texas blues
    Thats nothin'. Topo Gigio on The Ed Sullivan Show ate an entire 7 course meal while free falling from 25,000 feet before his chute opened.
    I'd have to have a drink or two before making the attempt...
    Mission = Failed. But I will be attempting Challenge #2 on Monday. I'd do it tomorrow, but we already have some reviews to film. =P
    I haven't posted one of these in a month. Time flies when you're a HeatAddict, I guess.
    I was uploading the photos/video from the "Brownie from Hell" my wife made for my b-day, and most of the photos were lost. So all I have is a photo of the finished product, as well as the video of me eating it. Nothing else. =/
    Michael Madsen sent my wife and I a video message saying thanks for reviewing his sauces. He also showed off one of his cars, a flamed out 1967 GTO. So, so nice.
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