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  1. PepperBen

    trinidad scorpion peppers

    Sorry to hear that AJ. Hopefully things look better soon. Ben
  2. PepperBen

    free Free Seeds (with SASE/SASBE!) - OFFER CLOSED 10/2

    I would like a spot. Thank you.
  3. PepperBen

    It's Time to Spread some of Brazil to Ya'll - CLOSED

    #13. PM sent. Thanks
  4. PepperBen

    free free AJI YELLOW seeds w/sase SORRY CLOSED

    Joe, The Aji's you gave me last year are growing great. They are dominating any other plant I have in the garden. Thanks again! Ben
  5. PepperBen

    US Seed Trading Parcel - Round 2

    In Oxnard, CA. Arrived today. Will go out tomorrow. Ben
  6. PepperBen

    Fresh Trinidad Scorpion Pods - ***OFFER CLOSED***

    Made my hot sauce today. Hands down hottest sauce I have ever made/tasted. I might have to thin it out much more than I already have. My old lady boiled some beets in the same pot I used to make the sauce (the pot was washed twice before she used it). She is still complaining two hours later. I...
  7. PepperBen

    US Seed Trading Parcel - Round 2

    Who has 'B'?
  8. PepperBen

    Fresh Trinidad Scorpion Pods - ***OFFER CLOSED***

    No refund necessary for me AJ. Ben
  9. PepperBen

    Fresh Trinidad Scorpion Pods - ***OFFER CLOSED***

    Got them. :dance: I expected that the heat would create some issues so I wasn't surprised to see a few bad ones. I tried my first trinidad scorpion today. My mouth is still numb. Solid instant heat. Me and my brother-in-law were dancing like monkeys in the kitchen trying to calm the heat. What...
  10. PepperBen

    for-sale PRF Specialty superhots for sale

    Arrived! :dance: Thank you. Ben
  11. PepperBen

    for-sale PRF Specialty superhots for sale

    Can I order one of brain strain and two of goat peppers bahamas? Ben
  12. PepperBen

    Fresh Trinidad Scorpion Pods - ***OFFER CLOSED***

    I would love one pound please. Ben
  13. PepperBen


    I would also use colored cups to protect the roots from direct sunlight. Ben
  14. PepperBen

    how do you grow 200 varietys on a quarter acre of land

    My many varieties are spread throughout the property. When I run out of dirt, I place them in 5 gallon containers and layer them on three levels with bricks and wooden planks supporting them. It is possible. By August you will be wading through a sea of peppers. Enjoy! Ben
  15. PepperBen

    pests does anyone knows what bug is this?

    Rofl! Both very welcome in my dreams.
  16. PepperBen

    US Seed Trading Parcel - Round 2

  17. PepperBen


    Let me review my seed inventory Joe. I have plenty of seed I'm sure you can use. Ben
  18. PepperBen


    Gr8. thanks Joe! :)