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  1. PepperBen

    AJs Backyard Pepper Porn 03-22-11

    Wow! You continue to inspire AJ. I only wish I lived nearby so I could purchase some of those beauties. Keep the pics and great info. coming. Ben
  2. PepperBen

    2011 Grow List and Log

    February 22, 2011 update. I've been neglecting my log. I took pictures on 2/22/11 but forgot to post. Here they are. I am trying a bulk planting of tomatoes which I will transfer to individual pots once they are big enough. My soil grown buts are coming along nicely. My non-superhots are...
  3. PepperBen


    I'm sorry for your loss Joe. Ben
  4. PepperBen

    Fish Emulsion

    My greenhouse smells like a tuna factory right now because of the fish emulsion I used last week. Ben
  5. PepperBen

    US Seed Trading Parcel - Round 2

    I'm still in.
  6. PepperBen

    Paco's Growlog

  7. PepperBen

    US seed trading parcel

    Didn't expect to hear that. lol. Hey, when the package ends, can I have another look at it? Ben
  8. PepperBen

    Peruvian Peppers

    Thanks guys! Ben
  9. PepperBen

    Fresh Pods USA only

    My package arrived too. Fatallis are great! Thanks Toby. Ben
  10. PepperBen

    Peruvian Peppers

    Hello all! I have a friend visiting Peru. I was thinking of asking her to mail me some dried whole peppers for seed harvesting. What peppers would you recommend I ask her to send? Thanks a bunch. Ben
  11. PepperBen

    2011 Grow List and Log

    Plants are doing well. Am changing to bottom watering because AJ thinks it's a good idea. And what AJ says, Ben does. Here are updated pics. Hydro buckets: Hydro bottles: Transplanted seedlings: Grow box: Am very happy so far. I hope my Bhuts stay nice and strong for me this year...
  12. PepperBen

    Bikini and Trinidad Scorpion!

    1012 friends!
  13. PepperBen

    Fresh Pods USA only

    Money sent Tonly. Thanks for doing this. :)
  14. PepperBen

    Fresh Pods USA only

    By a hair! lol
  15. PepperBen

    Fresh Pods USA only

  16. PepperBen

    Bikini and Trinidad Scorpion!

    Worked for me!
  17. PepperBen

    Fresh Pods USA only

  18. PepperBen

    Fresh Pods USA only

  19. PepperBen

    Fresh Pods USA only

    I'll start with $20. Ben
  20. PepperBen

    US seed trading parcel

    What I was thinking for next time is to break the group into subgroups of 5 participants that trade amongst their subgroup then trade with the other subgroup. For example, group A and group B are comprised of 5 participants. Groups A participants will trade with each other just as we did here...